QBSP Overview

Qt Board Support Package (QBSP) is an extension to the Qt online installer using Qt Installer Framework. It provides a way to deliver and install additional content that is not directly available from the online repositories. The Qt partners can deliver support for Qt on their hardware boards via QBSP, and developers can set up an embedded target on their IDE by installing a QBSP package via Qt online installer.

Content of QBSP

In general, the QBSP content is not restricted. As the QBSP is an extension of the Qt online installer, it just needs to implement the Qt Installer Framework interface that enables installing the content via Qt online installer.

When using Boot to Qt Software Stack, QBSP contains a cross-compilation toolchain that gets integrated into Qt Creator, and a device image that can be used to boot your device using Boot to Qt Software Stack.

Creation of QBSP

Currently the creation of QBSP is integrated into the Yocto meta layer (meta-boot2qt) which is used for creating both the toolchain and the device image. Building QBSP with Yocto instructs how you can build your own QBSP file with the Yocto tools.

Delivery of Ready-Made QBSP to Qt for Distribution

If you have a ready-made QBSP that you want to deliver through Qt channels, such as via the Qt Customer Portal, contact The Qt Company QBSP Team to get more information about the delivery method.

Installing QBSP via Qt online installer

Qt Board Support Packages Installation Guide describes how you can install the QBSP file via the Qt online installer. After installing the QBSP, you should be able flash the image file included into the QBSP to your target hardware.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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