Discoverer Example
/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: ** ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Knx module. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/#include <QtCore/QDebug> #include <QtCore/QCommandLineParser> #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <QtKnx/QKnxNetIpExtendedDeviceDibProxy> #include <QtKnx/QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent> #include <QtKnx/QKnxNetIpSrpBuilder> static QString familyToString(QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily id) { switch (id) { case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::Core: return "Core"; case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::DeviceManagement: return "Device Management"; case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::IpTunneling: return "Tunnel"; case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::IpRouting: return "Routing"; case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::RemoteLogging: return "Remote Logging"; case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::RemoteConfigAndDiagnosis: return "Remote Configuration"; case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::ObjectServer: return "Object Server"; case QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily::Security: return "Security"; default: break; } return "Unknown"; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication discoverer(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion("1.0"); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addOptions({ { { "t", "timeout" }, "Discovery response timeout in seconds.", "timeout", "3" }, { { "n", "nat" }, "Use Network Address Translation to traverse across network routers." }, { { "u", "unicast" }, "Force unicast response. (defaults to multicast response)" }, { { "a", "localAddress" }, "The local IP address a response shall be sent to. " "Implies <unicast>", "localAddress", "" }, { { "p", "localPort" }, "The local UDP port a response shall be sent to (defaults to " "system assigned). Implies <unicast>.", "localPort", "0" }, { { "m", "searchMode" }, "Specifies the mode used to send search request. Possible " "values: (default, extended, both).", "searchMode", "default" }, { "filterProg", "Limit search responses to devices in programming mode. Implies " "search mode extended or both." }, { "filterMAC", "Limit search responses to the given MAC address. Implies search " "mode extended or both.", "MAC" }, { "filterService", "Limit search responses to devices supporting the given " "KNXnet/IP service family in at least the given version (e.g. 0202). Implies " "search mode extended or both.", "Service" }, { "descriptionType", "Force returning DIBs inside the search responses to " "to at least of the given set of IDs. (e.g. 010208). Implies search mode " "extended or both.", "Type" } }); parser.process(discoverer); QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent agent; agent.setNatAware(parser.isSet("nat")); agent.setLocalPort(parser.value("localPort").toUInt()); agent.setTimeout(parser.value("timeout").toInt() * 1000); if (parser.isSet("localAddress")) agent.setLocalAddress(QHostAddress(parser.value("localAddress"))); if (parser.isSet("unicast")) agent.setResponseType(QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::ResponseType::Unicast); auto value = parser.value("searchMode"); if (parser.isSet("searchMode") && value != "default") { if (value == "extended") { agent.setDiscoveryMode(QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2); } else if (value == "both") { agent.setDiscoveryMode(QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV1 | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2); } else { qInfo().noquote() << "Wrong argument for option <searchMode>:" << value; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (parser.isSet("filterProg")) { agent.setDiscoveryMode(agent.discoveryMode() | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2); agent.setExtendedSearchParameters({ QKnxNetIpSrpProxy::programmingModeBuilder().create() }); } if (parser.isSet("filterMAC")) { agent.setDiscoveryMode(agent.discoveryMode() | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2); agent.setExtendedSearchParameters(QVector<QKnxNetIpSrp>({ QKnxNetIpSrpProxy::macAddressBuilder() .setMac(QKnxByteArray::fromHex(parser.value("filterMAC").toLatin1())) .create() }) + agent.extendedSearchParameters()); } if (parser.isSet("filterService")) { auto value = parser.value("filterService"); if (value.size() == 4) { bool okLeft = false, okRight = false; quint8 left = value.left(2).toUShort(&okLeft, 16); quint8 right = value.mid(2).toUShort(&okRight, 16); if (!okLeft || !okRight) return EXIT_FAILURE; agent.setDiscoveryMode(agent.discoveryMode() | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2); agent.setExtendedSearchParameters(QVector<QKnxNetIpSrp>({ QKnxNetIpSrpProxy::supportedFamilyBuilder() .setServiceInfo({ QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily(left), right }) .create() }) + agent.extendedSearchParameters()); } } QObject::connect(&agent, &QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::finished, &discoverer, &QCoreApplication::quit); if (!parser.isSet("localAddress")) { agent.start(QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::InterfaceType::Ethernet | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::InterfaceType::Wifi); } else { agent.start(QVector<QHostAddress> { agent.localAddress() }); } if (agent.error() == QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::Error::None && agent.state() == QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::State::Running) { discoverer.exec(); } const auto servers = agent.discoveredServers(); if (servers.size() > 0) { qInfo().noquote() << Qt::endl << QString::fromLatin1("%1 server(s) found on the network.") .arg(servers.size()); for (auto server : servers) { qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Network interface: %1, address: %2") .arg(server.networkInterface().humanReadableName(), server.hostAddress().toString()); qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Server: %1").arg(server.deviceName()); qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Individual address: %1").arg(server .individualAddress().toString()); qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Server control endpoint: %1:%2") .arg(server.controlEndpointAddress().toString()).arg(server.controlEndpointPort()); const auto services = server.supportedServices(); qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Supported services:"); for (const auto service : services) { qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" KNXnet/IP %1, Version: %2") .arg(familyToString(service.ServiceFamily)).arg(service.ServiceFamilyVersion); } const auto dib = server.extendedHardware(); QKnxNetIpExtendedDeviceDibProxy hardware(dib); if (hardware.isValid()) { qInfo() << " Extended hardware information:"; qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Mask version: %1").arg(hardware .deviceDescriptorType0(), 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Max. local APDU length: %1") .arg(hardware.maximumLocalApduLength()); auto status = server.mediumStatus(); if (status == QKnx::MediumStatus::CommunicationPossible) qInfo() << " Medium status: Communication possible"; else if (status == QKnx::MediumStatus::CommunicationImpossible) qInfo() << " Medium status: Communication impossible"; else qInfo() << " Medium status: Unknown"; } qInfo() << ""; } } else { qInfo().noquote() << "No server(s) found on the network."; } return 0; }