icon QML Value Type
The icon type represents the icon of a place. More...
Import Statement: | import QtLocation 6.10 |
Since: | QtLocation 5.5 |
Detailed Description
The typical usage of an icon is to use the url() function to specify a preferred icon size.
The icons are typically backend dependent, if a manager backend does not support a given size, the URL of the icon that most closely matches those parameters is returned.
The icon class also has a key-value set of parameters. The precise key one needs to use depends on the plugin being used. These parameters influence which icon URL is returned by the manager and may also be used to specify icon URL locations when saving icons.
If there is only ever one image for an icon, then QPlaceIcon::SingleUrl can be used as a parameter key with a QUrl as the associated value. If this key is set, then the url() function will always return the specified URL and not defer to any manager.
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