Qt Lottie Animation
Qt Lottie Animation provides a QML API for rendering graphics and animations that are exported in JSON format by the Lottie plugins for Adobe After Effects.
Getting Started
Import the types using the the following statement:
import Qt.labs.lottieqt
See the GitHub page for Lottie for instructions on how to download and install the plugin for Adobe After Effects.
The implementation follows the master specification for lottie. Deviations in exported Lottie files compared to the specification are taken into account as much as possible when differences are noticed.
General limitations
are not supported- expressions are not supported
- the timeline only supports frame-mode, not time-mode
Animation level limitations
The following properties are not supported:
- reusable text and imageschars
Only the shape
layer and the alpha mask adjustment
layer are supported.
The following properties are not supported:
(blend mode)maskProperties
(time stretch)
The following elements and shapes are not supported:
- the
(group stroke) element - the
element - Nested Repeater shapes
Also note that the behavior when using multiple active trim paths (e.g. trim paths in nested groups) is unpredictable.
The only supported effects are Slide
and Layer Fill
Qt Lottie Animation is available under commercial licenses from The Qt Company. In addition, it is available under the GNU General Public License, version 3. See Qt Licensing for further details.
Related Information
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