Qt Multimedia on macOS and iOS
This page covers the availability of Qt Multimedia features on iOS and macOS.
Since Qt Multimedia for iOS uses the camera and microphone, the Info.plist
assigned to QMAKE_INFO_PLIST in the project file must contain the keys NSCameraUsageDescription
and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
. Otherwise, the application will abort on startup. See Info.plist documentation from Apple for more information regarding this key.
Use of FFmpeg libraries on iOS
FFmpeg binaries from the online installer must be embedded into the application's bundle. To embed these libraries, you can add the qt6_add_ios_ffmpeg_libraries() command to the app's CMakeLists.txt file:
Note: The FFmpeg binaries from the online installer are built for arm64 and arm64-simulator to ensure they pass validation with Apple Store Connect and can be used when running the iOS simulator.
See also qt_add_ios_ffmpeg_libraries().
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