Qt for Windows - Windows App SDK


To use Windows App SDK in Qt apps, configure the SDK path.

Using Qt Creator

To configure the Windows App SDK in Qt Creator, go to Preferences > SDKs.

\QC SDKs Preferences.

For more information, see Qt Creator Documentation.

From the command line

  1. Go to an empty directory.


    mkdir C:\Dev\wasdk
    cd C:\Dev\wasdk
  2. Download NuGet into that directory.

    For example, to download with PowerShell from the command line:

    powershell.exe -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe -OutFile nuget.exe}"
  3. Download the Windows App SDK with NuGet.
    nuget.exe install Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK -OutputDirectory ./
  4. Set the WIN_APP_SDK_ROOT environment variable to the Windows APP SDK directory, usually called Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK.{Version}.

    For example, using the command-line:

    cd Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK.*
    set WIN_APP_SDK_ROOT=%cd%
    setX WIN_APP_SDK_ROOT %cd%

Using the Windows App SDK in Qt apps

Call qt_add_win_app_sdk(ProjectName) CMake function in the project's CMake file. Replace ProjectName with your project name.

Use a condition to ensure the build is only for MSVC builds:

if (MSVC)

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