Add a QNX Neutrino device

Create a connection between Qt Creator and a QNX Neutrino device to run, debug, and analyze applications on the device. The QNX Neutrino RTOS has additional command-line tools and services, as described in Qt for QNX.

{QNX device preferences}

QNX device preferences

Use a wizard to add a device

To use a wizard to add QNX Device:

  1. Go to Preferences > Devices > Devices.
  2. Select Add > QNX Device > Start Wizard.

    {Connection Data wizard}

  3. In The name to identify this configuration, enter a name for the connection.
  4. In The device's host name or IP address, enter the host name or IP address of the device. This becomes the value of the %{Device:HostAddress} variable.
  5. In The device's SSH port number, enter the port number for SSH connections. This becomes the value of the %{Device:SshPort} variable.
  6. In The username to log into the device, enter the username to log into the device and run the application. This becomes the value of the %{Device:UserName} variable.
  7. Select Next to open the Key Deployment dialog.

    {Key Deployment dialog}

  8. In Private key file, select a private key file for authentication. This becomes the value of the %{Device:PrivateKeyFile} variable.
  9. If you don't have a public-private key pair, select Create New Key Pair. For more information, see Generate SSH keys.
  10. Select Deploy Public Key to copy the public key to the device.
  11. Select Next to create the connection.

To change device preferences, go to Preferences > Devices > Devices and select a device in Device.

Manually add a device

To add a device without using the wizard, select QNX Device in the pull-down menu of the Add button.

See also How To: Develop for QNX, How To: Develop for remote Linux, and How To: Manage Kits.

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