Find symbols

You can search for references to a particular symbol or search for symbols with a name that matches a pattern.

Find references to a symbol

To find instances of a particular symbol in your Qt C++ project:

  1. Place the cursor on the symbol in the editor.
  2. Go to Tools > C++ > Find References to Symbol Under Cursor, or press Ctrl+Shift+U.

    {Found symbols in the Search Results view}

Color-code access type

To view the same results color-coded according to the access type, such as read, write, or declaration, go to Tools > C++ > Find References with Access Type.

Find symbols that match search criteria

Go to Edit > Find/Replace > Advanced Find and select C++ Symbols to search for classes, functions, enums, and declarations (including type aliases) either from files listed as part of the project or from all files that are used by the code, such as include files.

{Search criteria in the Search Results view}

Qt Creator searches from the following locations:

  • Files listed as a part of the project
  • Files directly used by the project files (for example, generated files)
  • Header files of used frameworks and libraries

View found symbols

Search Results View shows the location and number of search hits in the current project.

{Found symbols in the Search Results view}

See also How To: Search and Search Results View.

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