Create an Android Virtual Device (AVD)

You can create AVDs for:

  • Automotive
  • Desktop
  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • TV
  • Wear

To create a new AVD:

  1. Go to Preferences > Devices.
  2. Select Add > Android Device > Start Wizard.

    {Create New AVD dialog}

  3. In Name, give the AVD a name.
  4. In Device definition, select the AVD type, and then select one of the predefined AVDs or Custom for a custom AVD.
  5. In Architecture (ABI), select an Android system image that you installed on the computer.
  6. In Target API level, select the API level to use for building the application.
  7. In SD card size, set the size of the SD card for the AVD.
  8. Select Override existing AVD name to overwrite an existing AVD with a new AVD using the same name (avdmanager -f option).
  9. Select OK to create the AVD.

For more advanced options for creating a new AVD, use the command-line tool avdmanager or the Android Studio's native AVD Manager UI.

See also How To: Develop for Android, Android Deploy Configuration, and Developing for Android.

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