Connect MCU devices

Note: Enable the McuSupport plugin to develop for MCUs.

To configure a connection between Qt Creator and your MCU board:

  1. Go to Preferences > Devices > MCU.
  2. In Qt for MCUs SDK, specify the path to the directory where you installed Qt for MCUs SDK.

    {MCU preferences}

  3. In Targets supported by the Qt for MCUs SDK, select your MCU board.
  4. In Requirements, check that the platform-specific requirements are met. This depends on the target:
    • For STM32 targets:
      • The GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain or IAR ARM Compiler path.
      • The STM32CubeProgrammer install path.
      • The Board SDK for the chosen target.
      • The FreeRTOS Sources for the chosen target.
    • For NXP targets:
      • The GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain or IAR ARM Compiler path.
      • The MCUXpresso IDE install path.
      • The Board SDK for the chosen target.
      • The FreeRTOS Sources for the chosen target.
    • For Renesas targets:
      • The Green Hills Compiler path.
      • The Renesas Graphics Library path.
    • For Infineon targets:
      • The Green Hills Compiler for ARM path.
      • The Graphics Driver for Traveo II Cluster Series path.
      • The Infineon Auto Flash Utility path.
  5. Select Automatically create kits for all available targets on start to create kits automatically the next time Qt Creator starts.

    Note: Select Create Kit to manually create kits for the target.

  6. Select Apply to save the preferences.

Add MCU devices

Qt Creator automatically adds a default MCU device when you select Apply in the MCU tab after configuring the MCU toolchain.

{MCU devices}

To add MCU devices, select Preferences > Devices > Add > MCU Device > Start Wizard:

  1. In Name, give the device a name.
  2. In Type, select the board type.
  3. Select Apply to add the device.

See also Enable and disable plugins, How To: Develop for MCUs, and Developing for MCUs.

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