Enable debugging

Specify settings for running applications on the Run device that you select for a kit in Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run Settings.

{Debugger Settings"}

To select the languages to debug, select Automatic or Enabled in Debugger Settings > C++ debugger and QML debugger.

Note: Opening a socket at a well-known port presents a security risk. Anyone on the Internet could connect to the application that you are debugging and execute any JavaScript functions. Therefore, you must make sure that the port is properly protected by a firewall.

Optionally, in Additional startup commands, you can enter additional settings for debugging C++:

However, you can usually leave this field empty.

Note: To create a build configuration that supports debugging for a Qt Quick application project, you also need to enable QML debugging either globally or in the Build Settings of the project.

See also Configuring Projects, Debugging, Debuggers, and Debugger.

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