Conan Package Manager

Conan is a C/C++ package manager that speeds up the integration of C or C++ libraries into your own project. It's available on all the supported development platforms.

Conan can be integrated into most build systems that are integrated into Qt Creator:

The client-server architecture of Conan enables the client to fetch packages from and upload them to remote servers that act as package storage. The client creates the packages, and if necessary, handles building them from sources. Because the client has a local cache for package storage, you can work offline, as long as no new packages are needed from remote servers.

To use Conan, install it by using Qt Online Installer or the tools that your operating system has. For example, on Windows, you can use the choco install conan or pip install conan command.

Note: Enable the Conan plugin to use it.

For each project, you must write a or conanfile.txt file that specifies the needed libraries and packages. Then, you must edit the build settings of the project to specify the location of the file and the contents of the Conan install command.

Automatic Package Manager Setup

To automatically set up the Conan package manager for use with CMake, go to Projects > Project Settings > CMake, and select Package manager auto setup.

To turn off the automatic package manager setup, set PackageManagerAutoSetup to false in CMake presets or a CMakeLists.txt.shared file.

See also Conan Build Configuration, Enable and disable plugins, Override CMake settings for a project, and Using CMake with Package Managers.

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