class provides an interface to report declaration content of XML data. More…

Detailed Description¶
You can set the declaration handler with
.This interface is based on the SAX2 extension DeclHandler.
The interface provides
- class PySide2.QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler¶
- PySide2.QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler.attributeDecl(eName, aName, type, valueDefault, value)¶
- Parameters:
eName – str
aName – str
type – str
valueDefault – str
value – str
- Return type:
The reader calls this function to report an attribute type declaration. Only the effective (first) declaration for an attribute is reported.
The reader passes the name of the associated element in
and the name of the attribute inaName
. It passes a string that represents the attribute type intype
and a string that represents the attribute default invalueDefault
. This string is one of “#IMPLIED”, “#REQUIRED”, “#FIXED” or an empty string (if none of the others applies). The reader passes the attribute’s default value invalue
. If no default value is specified in the XML file,value
is an empty string.If this function returns
the reader stops parsing and reports an error. The reader uses the functionerrorString()
to get the error message.
- PySide2.QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler.errorString()¶
- Return type:
The reader calls this function to get an error string if any of the handler functions returns
- PySide2.QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler.externalEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId)¶
- Parameters:
name – str
publicId – str
systemId – str
- Return type:
The reader calls this function to report a parsed external entity declaration. Only the effective (first) declaration for each entity is reported.
The reader passes the name of the entity in
, the public identifier inpublicId
and the system identifier insystemId
. If there is no public identifier specified, it passes an empty string inpublicId
.If this function returns
the reader stops parsing and reports an error. The reader uses the functionerrorString()
to get the error message.
- PySide2.QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler.internalEntityDecl(name, value)¶
- Parameters:
name – str
value – str
- Return type:
The reader calls this function to report an internal entity declaration. Only the effective (first) declaration is reported.
The reader passes the name of the entity in
and the value of the entity invalue
.If this function returns
the reader stops parsing and reports an error. The reader uses the functionerrorString()
to get the error message.
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