Qt Sensors - C++ Sensor Gestures Example¶
The sensor gesture example demonstrates the steps for creating a C++ application that uses sensor gestures and the included shake sensor.
QSensorGestures class defines one predefined signal,
void detected(const QString &)
As well, Sensor Gesture Recognizers may implement any number of their own custom signals.
Our shake recognizer defines one custom signal,
void shake()
, as well as the predefined detected signal.
SensorGestures Class Implementation¶
In order to know about custom signals that may be available, we need to ask the
about them,Using the QSensorGesture::gestureIds() function, the manager will return a
of known and valid gesture Ids.QSensorGestureManager manager; Q_FOREACH (const QString &gesture, manager.gestureIds()) { QTreeWidgetItem *gestureId = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui->treeWidget); QStringList recognizerSignals = manager.recognizerSignals(gesture); gestureId->setText(0,gesture); for (int i = 0; i < recognizerSignals.count(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem *oneSignal = new QTreeWidgetItem(gestureId); oneSignal->setText(0,recognizerSignals.at(i)); } ui->treeWidget->insertTopLevelItem(0,gestureId); }We can then use this to create a
object that we can use to connect signals to, and start the detection process. AQSensorGesture
object will take a list of one or more recognizer ids in it’s constructor.QSensorGestureManager manager; QSensorGesture *thisGesture = new QSensorGesture(QStringList() << currentRecognizer, this); if (currentRecognizer.contains("QtSensors.shake")) { connect(thisGesture,SIGNAL(shake()), this,SLOT(onShake())); } connect(thisGesture,SIGNAL(detected(QString)), this,SLOT(detectedShake(QString))); thisGesture->startDetection();and later stop the detection process.
recognizerMap[currentRecognizer]->stopDetection(); if (currentRecognizer == "QtSensors.shake") { disconnect(recognizerMap[currentRecognizer],SIGNAL(shake()), this,SLOT(onShake())); } disconnect(recognizerMap[currentRecognizer],SIGNAL(detected(QString)), this,SLOT(detectedShake(QString)));The
object will contain all the signals of the valid requested recognizers found on the system.You can discover which of the requested recognizer ID’s that were not found by using
;By using
, you can get aQStringList
of usable signals.
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