Objects and Values

Class exposed by shiboken may be specified as either object types indicated by the object-type XML element, or value types indicated by value-type XML element.

The choice should follow the usage of the class in C++.

Non-copyable classes with virtual functions that form an inheritance hierarchy should be object types. They are typically passed by pointer in C++ and stored on the heap.

Classes with value semantics should be value types. They are typically passed by value in C++, and stored on the function call stack. This is also a good default for the remaining classes.

When passing value types to functions, shiboken will generate code to handle implicit conversions as is done in C++. For example, in Qt, it is possible to pass instances of QColor to a function taking a QBrush, since QBrush has a constructor accepting QColor.

Aspects of Value Types

shiboken tries to detect whether a class is default/copy constructible when parsing the class declaration. No detection is done to for movability; it is assumed to be enabled by default. These values can be overridden by attributes on the value-type XML element in case auto-detection fails. For non-default constructible types, it is possible to specify a default constructor expression to work around.

shiboken assumes that copy constructible classes also have a copy assignment operator.

Default constructibility

Value types should be default constructible.

For generating virtual functions returning value types by value, this is a hard requirement.

For generating bindings (passing arguments), non-default constructible types will use pointer conversions instead of copy conversion. Implicit conversions will then not be generated. Otherwise, it should be equivalent for passing by value or const reference. When passing a non-default constructible type by reference to a function that actually modifies the parameter, the modification will affect the passed instance.

Copy constructibility

Copy constructibility/copy assignment is required by the value converters generated by shiboken.

For move-only types, shiboken will then insert std::move() where needed. This will leave moved-out instances behind.