Delivery Overview and Certification

The Qt Safe Renderer 2.2 delivery contains the following parts:

  • Certified Runtime Component:
    • Qt Safe Renderer application binary that runs on the target device
    • Consists of all the content inside the SafeRenderer namespace.
  • Qt Safe Renderer tools that you can use for developing the safety-critical parts of the UI
  • The certification artifacts (for example, Qt Safe Renderer architecture and design documentation)

Qt Safe Renderer provides a seamless integration with the Qt toolchain: the QML language, Qt Design Studio, and Qt Creator. For more information, see Developing UI with Qt Safe Renderer.

Qt Safe Renderer Safety Manual

The Qt Safe Renderer Safety Manual documentation is available via Qt's customer support. For more information, see Qt Support.

Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 Certification and Assessment Report

The latest Qt Safe Renderer certification is available online.

Functional safety standards are used to validate that components and systems are safe. The Qt Safe Renderer certification assessment report is based on the following standards:

  • ISO 26262:2018-6; ASIL D
    • Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 6: Product development at the software level
  • ISO 26262:2018-8 section 11; ASIL D
    • Road vehicles — Functional safety — Part 8: Supporting processes - Chapter 11: Confidence in the use of software tools
  • IEC 61508:2010-3 – 7.4.4; SIL 3 and IEC 61508-3
    • Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software requirements – and Requirements for support tools – 7.4.4
  • EN 50128:2011 6.7.4; SIL 4
    • Railway applications – Communication, signalling and processing systems – Software for railway control and protection systems; Software-Tools
  • ISO 25119-3 AMD 1:2020 AgPL e
    • Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry – Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 3: Series development, software and hardware - AMENDMENT 1
  • [ IEC 62304:2015 (2006+A1) C.7, fit- for-use ]
    • Medical device software – Software life cycle processes [relationship to IEC 61508 - best practice]. Up to Class C application

The Qt Safe Renderer product contains all the artifacts related to certification, including design documentation and verification results.

ISO 26262:2018 Road vehicles – Functional safety standard ensures functional safety of electrical and electronic systems in road vehicles. IEC 62304 is a functional safety standard for medical device software and EN 560128 for safety-related software in the railway industry. All of these three standards are adaptations of the IEC 61508 Functional Safety standard which covers all programmable electronic safety-related systems.

Typically functional safety standards divide the failure risk into different discrete safety levels. ISO 61508 defines safety levels that are based on whether or not the device is in high demand (used more or less continuously) or low demand (used at most once a year). These levels are called Safety Integrity Levels (SIL). ISO 26262 defines safety levels that are based on three separate factors: severity, exposure, and controllability. They combine to form an Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL). ISO 26262 identifies four ASILs: ASIL A, ASIL B, ASIL C, and ASIL D. ASIL D defines the highest integrity requirements on the product and ASIL A the lowest.

The implementation of the safety requirements and certification of Qt Safe Renderer concern only the Qt Safe Renderer module itself, that is, all the content inside the SafeRenderer namespace. See Qt Safe Renderer C++ Classes for detailed information about the classes in SafeRenderer.

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