Adds safe layout files to the project.
The command is defined in Qt Safe Renderer which can be loaded as follows:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS SafeRenderer SafeRendererTools SafePlatformAdaptation)
This command was introduced in Qt Safe Renderer 2.1.
qsr_add_safelayout(target [SAFE_QMLS var_name] [OUTPUT_PATH layout_data_path] [SAFE_RESOURCE resource_file] [SAFE_LANGUAGES language] [SAFE_TRANSLATION dir_name] [INPUT_RESOURCES dir_name] )
The safe layout is added to target
that you have defined as a dependency in add_dependencies. SAFE_QMLS
defines the QML files with safety-critical UI element. The layout data is generated to OUTPUT_PATH
defines the path of generated safe data asset file (.qrc). Qt Safe Layout Tool loads INPUT_RESOURCES
to find the resource data asset.
lists the languages are contain localized strings for safety-critical UI elements. SAFE_TRANSLATION
defines a path of safe translation files.
set (safeqmls "main.qml" ) # Resource files are passed to qtsafelayouttool set(resource_files "qml.qrc" ) #resource.bin is loaded by qtsafelayouttool to find the resource data asset. qt6_add_binary_resources(resources_myproject ${resource_files} DESTINATION resource.bin) qsr_add_safelayout(generatelayout_myproject SAFE_QMLS ${safeqmls} OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/layoutData SAFE_RESOURCE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/safeasset.qrc" INPUT_RESOURCES resource.bin)
Available under certain Qt licenses.
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