Adds a monitor configuration to the project.
The command is defined in Qt Safe Renderer which you can load as follows:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS SafeRenderer SafeRendererTools SafePlatformAdaptation)
This command was introduced in Qt Safe Renderer 2.1.
qsr_monitorconfig(target sources [XML] [LAYOUT_FILES srl files] [OUTPUT_DIR resource_file] )
The monitor configuration data is added to target
that you have defined as a dependency in add_dependencies. You can use XML
format for data validation and integration. LAYOUT_FILES
defines the .srl files for for the monitor configuration. These files contain the raw layout data. OUTPUTDIR
defines path for monitor data.
qsr_monitorconfig(generatedata_monitor sources XML LAYOUT_FILES ${output_srl_files} OUTPUTDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/data")
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