Monitor: Verifying the Rendering Output
// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial // This file is part of the Qt Safe Renderer module #include <QThread> #include <QDebug> #include <signal.h> extern "C" { #include <QtSafeMonitor/message.h> #include <QtSafeMonitor/eventProcessor.h> #include <QtSafeMonitor/errorcode.h> #include <QtSafeMonitor/qsafeglobal.h> #include "controller.h" #include "sendevent.h" } #define MONITOR_MSG_BUF_SIZE 128U static volatile sig_atomic_t running = 1; static void ctrlCHandler(qint32 receivedSignal) { if (receivedSignal == SIGINT) { running = 0; } else { /* Nothing */ } } static void defaultErrorHandler(ErrorCode errorType, int64_t arg1, int64_t arg2) { qWarning() << "Error:" << errorCodeToString(errorType); qWarning() << "Error arguments:" << arg1 << "," << arg2; } static void requestOutpuVerificationUpdate(qchar *msgBuf, const size_t len, errorFunc errorHandler) { quint32 index = 0U; while (getEventOutputVerificationVerifyItem(index, msgBuf, len) != NULL) { if (sendEvent(msgBuf, len) < 0) { errorHandler(FailedToSendRequest, 0, __LINE__); break; } else { index++; } } } static qint32 verifyEventOutput(qchar *msgBuf, const size_t len, errorFunc errorHandler) { qint32 ret = -1; getEventOutputVerificationRequest(msgBuf, len); // Send the event and then receive a reply. Use sendEventWithReply for this. if (sendEventWithReply(msgBuf, len, msgBuf, len) == 0) { // Successful reply received. ret = processEvent(msgBuf, len, errorHandler); } else { errorHandler(FailedToReceiveMessage, (int64_t)ret, __LINE__); } return ret; } static void changeState(qchar *msgBuf, const size_t len, errorFunc errorHandler) { qint32 ret = -1; getNextEventStateMessage(msgBuf, len); ret = sendEvent(msgBuf, len); if (ret < 0) { errorHandler(FailedToSendRequest, (int64_t)ret, __LINE__); } else { /* Nothing */ } } static void monitorLoop(void) { qchar msgBuf[MONITOR_MSG_BUF_SIZE]; qint32 ret; while (running > 0) { requestOutpuVerificationUpdate(msgBuf, sizeof(msgBuf), &defaultErrorHandler); QThread::sleep(1); do { ret = verifyEventOutput(msgBuf, sizeof(msgBuf), &defaultErrorHandler); } while (ret > 0); changeState(msgBuf, sizeof(msgBuf), &defaultErrorHandler); QThread::sleep(1); } } qint32 main(qint32 argc, char *argv[]) { qint32 c = 0; qint32 ret = 0; if (signal(SIGINT, &ctrlCHandler) == SIG_ERR) { /* polyspace MISRA-C:20.8 [Not a defect:Low] "The code has been manually verified to be OK" */ ret = 3; } else { monitorLoop(); } return ret; }