Building for QNX

To use Qt Safe Renderer with QNX, you need to build Qt and Qt Safe Renderer yourself from sources. When you build Qt Safe Renderer, you must build Qt Safe Renderer Runtime before building Qt Safe Renderer Tooling.


Install Qt Safe Renderer and Qt 6.5.x sources as instructed in Installing Qt Safe Renderer. In Qt Online Installer Select component page, select the QNX target to the get pre-built CalcCRC library:

Note: You can also get the Qt sources via the Git version control system. Qt Wiki provides instructions for getting Qt sources via Git, see https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_6_from_Git#Getting_the_source_code.

Setting Up QNX Environment

To build Qt Safe Renderer and its examples for QNX, you must modify your environment for QNX.

To ensure the proper functioning of Qt Safe Renderer and Qt applications, configure the pipelines and layers in the graphics.conf file. Each application should have its own pipeline to avoid interference between Qt Safe Renderer and the Qt application.

Set up the pipeline for the Qt application on the background layer as follows:

begin class framebuffer
    display = 1
    pipeline = 1
    format = rgba8888
    usage = gles2
end class

Set up the pipeline for Qt Safe Renderer on the foreground layer as follows:

begin class framebuffer
    display = 1
    pipeline = 2
    format = rgba8888
    usage = inteldrm
end class

For more information, see Configuring Screen in QNX.

Setting QNX Pipeline for Qt Safe Renderer

To set the pipeline for Qt Safe Renderer, set the QSR_QNX_SCREEN_PIPELINE environment value as follows:


Configuring Display Index for Qt Safe Renderer

To specify the display index used by Qt Safe Renderer, set the QSR_QNX_SCREEN_DISPLAY environment variable. The display index determines which screen the renderer outputs to. For instance:


Make sure this environment variable is set according to your system configuration to ensure that Qt Safe Renderer renders on the correct display.

Setting Z-Order for Qt Safe Renderer Windows

Adjust the stacking order of your Qt Safe Renderer window by setting the QSR_QNX_SCREEN_ZORDER environment variable. A higher z-order value places the window above others with lower values. Example:


Properly configuring the z-order ensures that your Qt Safe Renderer window is correctly layered in relation to other windows on the screen.

Setting QNX Pipeline for Qt Applications

Define the QNX pipeline for Qt applications by setting the _q_platform_qnxPipeline window property as follows:

if defined(Q_OS_QNX)
view.setProperty("_q_platform_qnxPipeline", 1);

The pipeline value 1 is the default value for the background layer.

You find the full example code under saferenderer/qtcluster/main.cpp.

Enabling OpenWFD platform adaptation

It is possible to use the OpenWFD platform adaption instead of QNX Screen with the Qualcomm Snapdragon hardware. You can enable the OpenWFD plugin by setting the following environment variables when building Qt Safe Renderer:


The WFD_INCLUDE path must point to the folder where the OpenWFD headers are located.

The WFD_LIB path must point to the folder where the OpenWFD libraries are located.

Note: When you use the OpenWFD platform adaptation, the surface width must be divisible by 64.

After you have successfully enabled the OpenWFD plugin, you see OpenWFD graphics adaptation in the CMake output log.

Building Qt from Sources

See Building Qt for QNX for detailed instructions about how to build Qt for host and for QNX.

Note: In the toolchain file, set arch value to gcc_ntoaarch64le.

Building Qt Safe Renderer from Sources

When you build Qt Safe Renderer for QNX, you must build Qt Safe Renderer Runtime before building Qt Safe Renderer Tooling. Build both components for your host environment and QNX.

Building Qt Safe Renderer for Host Environment

First, build Qt Safe Renderer Runtime for host as follows:

mkdir <build directory>
cd <build directory>
<Qt installation directory>/host/bin/qt-cmake <path to QSR Runtime sources>
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

Build Qt Safe Renderer Tooling for host as follows:

mkdir <build directory>
cd <build directory>
<Qt installation directory>/host/bin/qt-cmake <path to QSR Tooling sources>
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

Building Qt Safe Renderer for QNX

First, build Qt Safe Renderer Runtime for QNX as follows:

<Qt installation directory>/<QNX target>/bin/qt-cmake <path to QSR Runtime sources>
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

Build Qt Safe Renderer Tooling for host as follows:

<Qt installation directory>/<QNX target>/bin/qt-cmake <path to QSR Tooling sources>
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

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