AndroidIntentFilter QML Type

Used for filtering intents in combination with AndroidBroadcastReceiver. (Technical Preview). More...

Import Statement: import QtAndroidAutomotive.Base
Since: QtAndroidAutomotive 6.5


Detailed Description

Property Documentation

actions : QStringList

This property holds the intent actions matched by this AndroidIntentFilter.

categories : QStringList

This property holds the intent categories matched by this AndroidIntentFilter.

dataAuthorities : QList<QAndroidAuthorityEntry>

This property holds the data authorities matched by this AndroidIntentFilter.

dataPaths : QList<QAndroidMatchPattern>

This property holds the data paths matched by this AndroidIntentFilter.

dataSchemeSpecificParts : QList<QAndroidMatchPattern>

This property holds the data scheme specific parts matched by this AndroidIntentFilter.

dataSchemes : QStringList

This property holds the data schemas matched by this AndroidIntentFilter.

dataTypes : QStringList

This property holds the data types matched by this AndroidIntentFilter.

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