Type Conversions
Many of Qt's basic data types, such as QString, QPoint, or QImage, provide conversions to and from the native equivalent types.
The following list enumerates all of the available type conversions:
Constructs a new QByteArray containing a copy of the CFData data | |
Constructs a new QByteArray containing a copy of the NSData data | |
Constructs a QByteArray that uses the bytes of the CFData data | |
Constructs a QByteArray that uses the bytes of the NSData data | |
Constructs a new QDateTime containing a copy of the CFDate date | |
Constructs a new QDateTime containing a copy of the NSDate date | |
Returns a QImage that is equivalent to the given hbitmap | |
Returns a QImage that is equivalent to the given icon | |
Creates a QRectF from CGPoint point | |
Creates a QRectF from CGRect rect | |
Creates a QSizeF from size | |
Constructs a new QString containing a copy of the string CFString | |
Constructs a new QString containing a copy of the string NSString | |
Constructs a new QTimeZone containing a copy of the CFTimeZone timeZone | |
Constructs a new QTimeZone containing a copy of the NSTimeZone timeZone | |
Constructs a QUrl containing a copy of the CFURL url | |
Constructs a QUrl containing a copy of the NSURL url | |
Constructs a new QUuid containing a copy of the uuid CFUUID | |
Constructs a new QUuid containing a copy of the uuid NSUUID | |
Creates a CFData from a QByteArray | |
Constructs a CFData that uses the bytes of the QByteArray | |
Creates a CFDate from a QDateTime | |
Creates a CFString from a QString | |
Creates a CFString from this QStringView | |
Creates a CFTimeZone from a QTimeZone | |
Creates a CFURL from a QUrl | |
Creates a CFUUID from a QUuid | |
Creates a CGPoint from a QPoint | |
Creates a CGPoint from a QPointF | |
Creates a CGRect from a QRectF | |
Creates a CGRect from a QRect | |
Creates a CGSize from a QSizeF | |
Creates a CGSize from a QSize | |
Creates a HBITMAP equivalent of the QImage | |
Creates a HICON equivalent of the QPixmap, applying the mask mask | |
Creates a NSData from a QByteArray | |
Constructs a NSData that uses the bytes of the QByteArray | |
Creates an NSDate from a QDateTime | |
Creates a NSString from a QString | |
Creates an NSString from this QStringView | |
Creates an NSTimeZone from a QTimeZone | |
Creates a NSURL from a QUrl | |
Creates a NSUUID from a QUuid | |
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