Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported in Qt 6.5. For information about prior Qt releases, please consult the relevant version in the Qt Documentation Archives.

Supported platforms are actively maintained, subjected to testing, and bugs discovered in these platforms are prioritized for correction. Significant errors discovered in testing can impact release dates.

The Qt Company offers commercial support for all officially supported platforms and configurations.

Note: Some of the platforms are only supported for certain types of commercial licenses. For details, please refer to Qt Support Terms and Conditions and your commercial license agreement.

Configurations not listed below are not officially supported by the Qt Project. However, Qt may still run on unsupported platforms and configurations. The Qt Company, Qt partners, open source developers, and community users are able to provide assistance in this situation.

Note: Support for specific configurations or operating system versions may end before the support for Qt 6.5 does. A subsequent patch release of Qt 6.5 may drop support for a configuration or replace it with a currently-supported version.

Desktop Platforms


Red Hat 8.8x86_64GCC 10 (toolset)
Red Hat 9.2x86_64GCC 11
openSUSE 15.5x86_64GCC 9
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5x86_64GCC 10
Ubuntu 22.04x86_64GCC as provided by Canonical, GCC 11.x


Build EnvironmentTarget PlatformArchitecture
Xcode 13 (macOS 12 SDK) or highermacOS 11 or higher (including macOS 15)x86_64, x86_64h, arm64

Note: Apple's forward compatibility promise for macOS generally ensures that Qt applications continue to run well on new operating system releases. Issues that may occur are prioritized and scheduled in accordance with the Qt branching and support policies. Support for new operating system features is not typically included in patch releases.


Operating SystemArchitectureCompiler
Windows 10 (1809 or later)x86_64MSVC 2022, MSVC 2019, MinGW 11.2
Windows 11x86_64MSVC 2022, MSVC 2019, MinGW 11.2
Windows on ARMarm64MSVC 2019/2022Technology Preview

Note: Windows on ARM is only supported as a deployment target. Applications have to be cross-compiled from an x86-64 Windows machine and deployed to target.

Mobile Platforms


The following configurations are supported in this Qt release:

Android 8.0 (API 26) to 14 (Api 34)arm64-v8, x86_64, x86, and armeabi-v7aClang 14.0.6 (NDK r25b or 25.1.8937393)JDK 17Gradle 8.10 and AGP 8.5.2Multi-ABI APKs and AABs

Note: It's recommended that you build Qt apps using the same NDK r25b version used for building the official Qt for Android libraries to avoid missing symbol errors.


Build EnvironmentTarget PlatformArchitecture
Xcode 14 (iOS 16 SDK) or higheriOS 14 or higher (including iOS 18)armv8, arm64

Note: Apple's forward compatibility promise for iOS generally ensures that Qt applications continue to run well on new operating system releases. Issues that may occur are prioritized and scheduled in accordance with the Qt branching and support policies. Support for new operating system features is not typically included in patch releases.

For information about support of WebAssembly on mobile platforms, see notes on supported browsers.

Embedded Platforms

Support Levels for Target Hardware

There are multiple levels of support that apply across specific hardware and OS combinations.

Note: Boards will not be demoted or removed from these tables during a patch release, however they may be removed in a future minor release.

Tier 1: Reference Targets

  • Issues on this reference target are given a higher priority than lower tier targets.
  • Covered under Standard Support.
  • Releases are available via Qt Online Installer.
Tier 1: Reference Targets
VendorBoardOS / OtherProvided By
IntelNUCYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
NXPi.MX 8QuadMax MEKYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
NXPi.MX 8QuadMax MEKQNX 7.1Qt for QNX
QualcommSA8155PAAOS 10-12Qt for Android Automotive
QualcommSA8155PINTEGRITY 19.03Qt for INTEGRITY
Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi 4 64-bitYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
ToradexApalis iMX6Yocto 4.0Boot to Qt

Tier 2: Verified Targets

Tier 2: Verified Targets
VendorBoardOS / OtherProvided By
NVIDIAJetson AGX Orin Developer KitDebian 12Enterprise Qt Debian Packages
NVIDIAJetson AGX Xavier Developer KitYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
NXPi.MX 8MQuad EVKYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
NXPi.MX 8M Mini LPDDR4 EVKYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
NXPi.MX 8M Nano DDR4 EVKYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
NXPi.MX 8M Plus LPDDR4 EVKYocto 5.0Boot to Qt
STSTM32MP15 DiscoveryYocto 4.0Boot to Qt
STSTM32MP15 EvaluationYocto 4.0Boot to Qt
TISK-AM62Yocto 5.0Boot to Qt
ToradexColibri iMX6 ULLYocto 4.0Boot to Qt

Tier 3: Other Targets

Tier 3: Other Targets
VendorBoardOS / OtherProvided By
ToradexApalis iMX8Yocto 4.0Boot to Qt

See Other Targets for more information.

See Qt Support Terms and Conditions for more information.

Android Automotive OS

The Qt for Android Automotive solution is based on Qt for Android, supporting Android 10 and 11, with the Android Automotive car API bindings.


webOS OSE, open-source edition of webOS, supports Qt application development.

Embedded Linux

Refer to Configure an Embedded Linux Device for information on generic cross-compilation of Qt for Embedded Linux devices.

For further embedded Linux platform support, consult the Boot to Qt documentation.

Real Time Operating Systems

Operating SystemArchitectureCompilerProvided in
INTEGRITY 19.0.13arm64GHS compiler version 2020.1.4 or newerQt for INTEGRITY
QNX 7.1Qt for QNX
Free RTOSQt for MCUs
Bare metalQt for MCUs

Web Platforms


Host PlatformArchitectureCompilerBrowsers
macOSwasm32Emscripten 3.1.25Safari, Chrome, Firefox
Windowswasm32Emscripten 3.1.25Edge, Chrome, Firefox
Linuxwasm32Emscripten 3.1.25Chrome, Firefox

For mobile platforms, Safari is the supported browser on iOS, and Chrome on Android.

Availability of Packages

You can download the Qt installers and source packages from the Downloads page. For more information, visit the Getting Started with Qt page.

Note: All the supported configurations are not provided as binary packages in Qt Online Installer. However, the intention is to provide the most widely-used configurations for the developer's convenience.

Note: Linux binary packages are linked against glibc 2.28. If you are using a glibc version older than that you need to build Qt from sources or upgrade glibc to 2.28 or newer.


Individual modules might be available only on some platforms, or they might not support all configurations. For example, as Qt WebEngine has Chromium as a third-party dependency, platform or configuration limitations upstream also apply to Qt WebEngine.

The documentation for each module contains detailed information about any exceptions the module has from the general platform and configuration support as described on this page.

Deployment of Qt Applications

The deployment procedure for each platform is different and they are covered in greater detail in their platform pages. Meanwhile, there is a deployment article for summarizing the deployment procedure in general.

Supported Qt Versions

VersionRelease dateStandard Support UntilExtended Support Availability
5.0 (5.0.1)2012-12-19EndedYes
5.1 (5.1.1)2013-07-03EndedYes
5.2 (5.2.1)2013-12-12EndedYes
5.3 (5.3.2)2014-05-20EndedYes
5.4 (5.4.2)2014-12-10EndedYes
5.5 (5.5.1)2015-07-01EndedYes
5.6 (5.6.3)2016-03-16EndedYes
5.7 (5.7.1)2016-06-16EndedYes
5.9 (5.9.9)2017-05-31EndedYes
5.10 (5.10.1)2017-11-30EndedYes
5.11 (5.11.3)2018-05-22EndedYes
5.12 (5.12.11) LTS2018-12-05EndedYes
5.13 (5.13.2)2019-06-19EndedYes
5.14 (5.14.2)2019-12-12EndedYes
5.15 (5.15.18) LTS2020-05-262023-05-26 (Qt Legacy licenses) / 2025-05-26 (Qt Subscription license holders only)Yes
6.0 (6.0.4)2020-12-08EndedYes
6.1 (6.1.3)2021-05-06EndedYes
6.2 (6.2.13) LTS2021-09-302024-09-30Yes
6.3 (6.3.2)2022-04-12EndedYes
6.4 (6.4.3)2022-09-292023-09-29Yes
6.5 (6.5.8) LTS2023-03-302026-03-30Yes

Please note that Qt is offered on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind and that our products are not error or bug free. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, The Qt Company on behalf of itself and its suppliers, disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement with regard to the Licensed Software.

© 2025 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.