A Minimal qdocconf File

Below you will find the full contents of qtgui.qdocconf. The subsequent section will discuss every statement in the qdocconf file.

Each line from the qdocconf file is first quoted. Below each statement you will find the meaning.

outputdir   = html
headerdirs  = .
sourcedirs  = .
exampledirs = .
imagedirs   = ./images



For compatibility with older versions of QDoc, it is recommended to include compat.qdocconf.

outputdir   = html

QDoc will put the documentation generated in the html directory.

headerdirs  = .

The header file associated with the .cpp source files can be found in the current directory.

sourcedirs  = .

The current directory is the directory containing the source files: the .cpp and .qdoc files used in the documentation.

exampledirs = .

The source code of the example files can be found in the current directory.

imagedirs   = ./images

The image files can be found in the underlying directory images.

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