QGrpcHttp2Channel Class

The QGrpcHttp2Channel class provides a HTTP/2 transport layer for gRPC communication. More...

Header: #include <QGrpcHttp2Channel>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Grpc)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Grpc)
Since: Qt 6.5
In QML: GrpcHttp2Channel
Inherits: QAbstractGrpcChannel

Public Functions

QGrpcHttp2Channel(const QUrl &hostUri)
QGrpcHttp2Channel(const QUrl &hostUri, const QGrpcChannelOptions &options)
virtual ~QGrpcHttp2Channel() override
QUrl hostUri() const

Detailed Description

The QGrpcHttp2Channel class implements QAbstractGrpcChannel, enabling gRPC communication carried over HTTP/2 framing.

HTTP/2 introduces several advantages over its predecessor, HTTP/1.1, making QGrpcHttp2Channel well-suited for high-performance, real-time applications that require efficient communication, without sacrificing security or reliability, by using multiplexed TCP connections.

The channel can be customized with SSL support, a custom serializationFormat, or other options by constructing it with a QGrpcChannelOptions containing the required customizations.

Transportation scheme

The QGrpcHttp2Channel implementation prefers different transportation methods based on the provided hostUri, scheme and options. The following criteria applies:

SchemeDescriptionDefault PortRequirementsExample
httpUnencrypted HTTP/2 over TCP80Nonehttp://localhost
httpsTLS-encrypted HTTP/2 over TCP443QSslSocket support AND (scheme OR sslConfiguration)https://localhost
unixUnix domain socket in filesystem pathQLocalSocket support AND schemeunix:///tmp/grpc.socket


The content-type in gRPC over HTTP/2 determines the message serialization format. It must start with application/grpc and can include a suffix. The format follows this scheme:

"content-type": "application/grpc" [("+proto" / "+json" / {custom})]

For example:

  • application/grpc+proto specifies Protobuf encoding.
  • application/grpc+json specifies JSON encoding.

The serialization format can be configured either by specifying the content-type inside the metadata or by setting the serializationFormat directly. By default, the application/grpc content-type is used.

To configure QGrpcHttp2Channel with the JSON serialization format using content-type metadata:

auto jsonChannel = std::make_shared<QGrpcHttp2Channel>(
        { "content-type"_ba, "application/grpc+json"_ba },

For a custom serializer and content-type, you can directly set the serialization format:

class DummySerializer : public QAbstractProtobufSerializer
QGrpcSerializationFormat dummyFormat("dummy", std::make_shared<DummySerializer>());
auto dummyChannel = std::make_shared<QGrpcHttp2Channel>(

This uses DummySerializer for encoding and decoding messages with the dummy suffix. For HTTP/2 transportation this results in the application/grpc+dummy content-type.

Note: Custom serializers require server support for the specified format.

See also QAbstractGrpcChannel, QGrpcChannelOptions, and QGrpcSerializationFormat.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] QGrpcHttp2Channel::QGrpcHttp2Channel(const QUrl &hostUri)

Constructs QGrpcHttp2Channel with hostUri. Please see the Transportation scheme section for more information.

[explicit] QGrpcHttp2Channel::QGrpcHttp2Channel(const QUrl &hostUri, const QGrpcChannelOptions &options)

Constructs QGrpcHttp2Channel with hostUri and options. Please see the Transportation scheme section for more information.

[override virtual noexcept] QGrpcHttp2Channel::~QGrpcHttp2Channel()

Destroys the QGrpcHttp2Channel object.

QUrl QGrpcHttp2Channel::hostUri() const

Returns the host URI for this channel.

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