ContextMenu QML Type
The ContextMenu attached type provides a way to open a context menu in a platform-appropriate manner. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick.Controls |
Since: | Qt 6.9 |
- menu : Menu
- requested(point position)
Detailed Description
ContextMenu can be attached to any item in order to show a context menu upon a platform-specific event, such as a right click or the context menu key.
Pane { anchors.fill: parent Menu { MenuItem { text: qsTr("Eat Tomato") onTriggered: { /* ... */ } } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Throw Tomato") onTriggered: { /* ... */ } } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Squash Tomato") onTriggered: { /* ... */ } } } }
Sharing context menus
It's possible to share a Menu amongst several attached context menu objects. This allows reusing a single Menu when the items that need context menus have data in common. For example:
pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls.Basic import QtQuick.Templates as T ApplicationWindow { width: 600 height: 400 visible: true component Tomato: Label { id: tomato objectName: text horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter width: Math.max(200, contentWidth * 1.5, contentWidth * 1.5) height: width color: skinColor function eat() { print("Ate " + text) } function ditch() { print("Threw " + text) } function squash() { print("Squashed " + text) } property color skinColor: "tomato" background: Rectangle { color: tomato.skinColor radius: width / 2 } contextMenu } Menu { id: contextMenu readonly property Tomato triggerItem: parent as Tomato readonly property string triggerItemText: triggerItem?.text ?? "" MenuItem { text: qsTr("Eat %1").arg(contextMenu.triggerItemText) onTriggered: } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Throw %1").arg(contextMenu.triggerItemText) onTriggered: contextMenu.triggerItem.ditch() } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Squash %1").arg(contextMenu.triggerItemText) onTriggered: contextMenu.triggerItem.squash() } } Row { anchors.centerIn: parent Tomato { text: qsTr("tomato") } Tomato { text: qsTr("really ripe tomato") skinColor: "maroon" } } }
ContextMenu lazily creates its Menu
only when it's requested. If it wasn't for this optimization, the Menu
would be created when the containing component is being loaded, which is typically at application startup.
It is recommended not to give the Menu
assigned to ContextMenu's menu property an id when it's defined where it's assigned. Doing so prevents this optimization. For example:
Pane { anchors.fill: parent Menu { // This prevents lazy creation of the Menu. id: myMenu // ... } }
The example in the Sharing context menus section works because the Menu
is defined separately from its assignment.
Interaction with other menus
If a Menu
is opened via e.g. a TapHandler or other means, ContextMenu will not open at the same time. This allows legacy applications that were written before ContextMenu was introduced to continue working as expected.
Property Documentation
menu : Menu |
This property holds the context menu that will be opened. It can be set to any Menu object.
Note: The Menu assigned to this property cannot be given an id. See Sharing context menus for more information.
Signal Documentation
requested(point position) |
This signal is emitted when a context menu is requested.
If it was requested by a right mouse button click, position gives the position of the click relative to the parent.
The example below shows how to programmatically open a context menu:
Button { id: button text: qsTr("Click me!") ContextMenu.onRequested: position => { const menu = buttonMenu.createObject(button) menu.popup(position) } } Component { id: buttonMenu Menu { MenuItem { text: qsTr("Open") } } }
If no menu is set, but this signal is connected, the context menu event will be accepted and will not propagate.
Note: The corresponding handler is onRequested
See also QContextMenuEvent::pos().
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