QModbusServer Class

The QModbusServer class is the interface to receive and process Modbus requests. More...

Header: #include <QModbusServer>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS SerialBus)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::SerialBus)
qmake: QT += serialbus
Inherits: QModbusDevice
Inherited By:

QModbusRtuSerialServer and QModbusTcpServer

Public Types

enum Option { DiagnosticRegister, ExceptionStatusOffset, DeviceBusy, AsciiInputDelimiter, ListenOnlyMode, …, UserOption }

Public Functions

QModbusServer(QObject *parent = nullptr)
bool data(QModbusDataUnit *newData) const
bool data(QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType table, quint16 address, quint16 *data) const
virtual bool processesBroadcast() const
int serverAddress() const
bool setData(const QModbusDataUnit &newData)
bool setData(QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType table, quint16 address, quint16 data)
virtual bool setMap(const QModbusDataUnitMap &map)
void setServerAddress(int serverAddress)
virtual bool setValue(int option, const QVariant &newValue)
virtual QVariant value(int option) const


void dataWritten(QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType table, int address, int size)

Protected Functions

virtual QModbusResponse processPrivateRequest(const QModbusPdu &request)
virtual QModbusResponse processRequest(const QModbusPdu &request)
virtual bool readData(QModbusDataUnit *newData) const
virtual bool writeData(const QModbusDataUnit &newData)

Detailed Description

Modbus networks can have multiple Modbus servers. Modbus Servers are read/written by a Modbus client represented by QModbusClient. QModbusServer communicates with a Modbus backend, providing users with a convenient API.

Member Type Documentation

enum QModbusServer::Option

Each Modbus server has a set of values associated with it, each with its own option.

The general purpose options (and the associated types) are:

QModbusServer::DiagnosticRegister0The diagnostic register of the server. quint16
QModbusServer::ExceptionStatusOffset1The exception status byte offset of the server. quint16
QModbusServer::DeviceBusy2Flag to signal the server is engaged in processing a long-duration program command. quint16
QModbusServer::AsciiInputDelimiter3The Modbus ASCII end of message delimiter. char
QModbusServer::ListenOnlyMode4Flag to set listen only mode of the server. This function is typically supported only by Modbus serial devices. bool
QModbusServer::ServerIdentifier5The identifier of the server, not the server address. quint8
QModbusServer::RunIndicatorStatus6The run indicator of the server. quint8
QModbusServer::AdditionalData7The additional data of the server. QByteArray
QModbusServer::DeviceIdentification8The physical and functional description of the server. QModbusDeviceIdentification

User options:

QModbusServer::UserOption0x100The first option that can be used for user-specific purposes.

For user options, it is up to the developer to decide which types to use and ensure that components use the correct types when accessing and setting values.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] QModbusServer::QModbusServer(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a Modbus server with the specified parent.

bool QModbusServer::data(QModbusDataUnit *newData) const

Returns the values in the register range given by newData.

newData must provide a valid register type, start address and valueCount. The returned newData will contain the register values associated with the given range.

If newData contains a valid register type but a negative start address the entire register map is returned and newData appropriately sized.

See also setData().

bool QModbusServer::data(QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType table, quint16 address, quint16 *data) const

Reads data stored in the Modbus server. A Modbus server has four tables (table) and each have a unique address field, which is used to read data from the desired field. See QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType for more information about the different tables. Returns false if address is outside of the map range or the register type is not even defined.

See also QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType and setData().

[signal] void QModbusServer::dataWritten(QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType table, int address, int size)

This signal is emitted when a Modbus client has written one or more fields of data to the Modbus server. The signal contains information about the fields that were written:

  • Register type (table) that was written,
  • address of the first field that was written,
  • and size of consecutive fields that were written starting from address.

The signal is not emitted when the to-be-written fields have not changed due to no change in value.

[virtual protected] QModbusResponse QModbusServer::processPrivateRequest(const QModbusPdu &request)

This function should be implemented by custom Modbus servers. It is called by processRequest() if the given request is not a standard Modbus request.

Overwriting this function allows handling of additional function codes and subfunction-codes not specified in the Modbus Application Protocol Specification 1.1b. Reimplementations should call this function again to ensure an exception response is returned for all unknown function codes the custom Modbus implementation does not handle.

This default implementation returns a QModbusExceptionResponse with the request function code and error code set to illegal function.

See also processRequest().

[virtual protected] QModbusResponse QModbusServer::processRequest(const QModbusPdu &request)

Processes a Modbus client request and returns a Modbus response. This function returns a QModbusResponse or QModbusExceptionResponse depending on the nature of the request.

The default implementation of this function handles all standard Modbus function codes as defined by the Modbus Application Protocol Specification 1.1b. All other Modbus function codes not included in the specification are forwarded to processPrivateRequest().

The default handling of the standard Modbus function code requests can be overwritten by reimplementing this function. The override must handle the request type in question and return the appropriate QModbusResponse. A common reason might be to filter out function code requests for data values to limit read/write access and function codes not desired in particular implementations such as serial line diagnostics on ethernet or Modbus Plus transport layers. Every other request type should be forwarded to this default implementation.

Note: This function should not be overridden to provide a custom implementation for non-standard Modbus request types.

See also processPrivateRequest().

[virtual] bool QModbusServer::processesBroadcast() const

Subclasses should implement this function if the transport layer shall handle broadcasts. The implementation then should return true if the currently processed request is a broadcast request; otherwise false. The default implementation returns always false.

Note: The return value of this function only makes sense from within processRequest() or processPrivateRequest(), otherwise it can only tell that the last request processed was a broadcast request.

[virtual protected] bool QModbusServer::readData(QModbusDataUnit *newData) const

Reads the values in the register range given by newData and writes the data back to newData. Returns true on success or false if newData is 0, the newData range is outside of the map range or the registerType() does not exist.

Note: Sub-classes that implement reading from a different backing store then default one, also need to implement setMap() and writeData().

See also setMap() and writeData().

int QModbusServer::serverAddress() const

Returns the address of this Modbus server instance.

See also setServerAddress().

bool QModbusServer::setData(const QModbusDataUnit &newData)

Writes newData to the Modbus server map. Returns false if the newData range is outside of the map range.

If the call was successful the dataWritten() signal is emitted. Note that the signal is not emitted when the addressed register has not changed. This may happen when newData contains exactly the same values as the register already. Nevertheless this function returns true in such cases.

See also data().

bool QModbusServer::setData(QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType table, quint16 address, quint16 data)

Writes data to the Modbus server. A Modbus server has four tables (table) and each have a unique address field, which is used to write data to the desired field. Returns false if address outside of the map range.

If the call was successful the dataWritten() signal is emitted. Note that the signal is not emitted when data has not changed. Nevertheless this function returns true in such cases.

See also QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType, data(), and dataWritten().

[virtual] bool QModbusServer::setMap(const QModbusDataUnitMap &map)

Sets the registered map structure for requests from other ModBus clients to map. The register values are initialized with zero. Returns true on success; otherwise false.

If this function is not called before connecting, a default register with zero entries is setup.

Note: Calling this function discards any register value that was previously set.

void QModbusServer::setServerAddress(int serverAddress)

Sets the address for this Modbus server instance to serverAddress.

See also serverAddress().

[virtual] bool QModbusServer::setValue(int option, const QVariant &newValue)

Sets the newValue for option and returns true on success; false otherwise.

Note: If the option's associated type is quint8 or quint16 and the type of newValue is larger, the data will be truncated or conversation will fail.

QModbusServer::DiagnosticRegisterSets the diagnostic register of the server in a device specific encoding to newValue. The default value preset is 0x0000. The bit values of the register need device specific documentation.
QModbusServer::ExceptionStatusOffsetSets the exception status byte offset of the server to newValue which is the absolute offset address in the coils (0x register). Modbus register table starting with 0x0000h. The default value preset is 0x0000, using the exception status coils similar to Modicon 984 CPUs (coils 1-8).

The function returns true if the coils register contains the 8 bits required for storing and retrieving the status coils, otherwise false.

QModbusServer::DeviceBusySets a flag that signals that the server is engaged in processing a long-duration program command. Valid values are 0x0000 (not busy) and 0xffff (busy). The default value preset is 0x0000.
QModbusServer::AsciiInputDelimiterThe newValue becomes the end of message delimiter for future Modbus ASCII messages. The default value preset is \n.
QModbusServer::ListenOnlyModeSs the server's listen only state to newValue. If listen only mode is set to true, messages are monitored but no response will be sent. The default value preset is false.
QModbusServer::ServerIdentifierSets the server's manufacturer identifier to newValue. Possible values are in the range of 0x00 to 0xff. The default value preset is 0x0a.
QModbusServer::RunIndicatorStatusSets the servers' run indicator status to newValue. This data is used as addendum by the QModbusPdu::ReportServerId function code. Valid values are 0x00 (OFF) and 0xff (ON). The default value preset is 0xff (ON).
QModbusServer::AdditionalDataSets the server's additional data to newValue. This data is used as addendum by the QModbusPdu::ReportServerId function code. The maximum data size cannot exceed 249 bytes to match response message size restrictions. The default value preset is Qt Modbus Server.
QModbusServer::DeviceIdentificationSets the server's physical and functional description. By default there is no additional device identification data set.
QModbusServer::UserOptionSets the value of a user option to newValue.

Note: For user options, it is up to the developer to decide which types to use and ensure that components use the correct types when accessing and setting values.

See also value().

[virtual] QVariant QModbusServer::value(int option) const

Returns the value for option or an invalid QVariant if the option is not set.

QModbusServer::DiagnosticRegisterReturns the diagnostic register value of the server. The diagnostic register contains device specific contents where each bit has a specific meaning.
QModbusServer::ExceptionStatusOffsetReturns the offset address of the exception status byte location in the coils register.
QModbusServer::DeviceBusyReturns a flag that signals if the server is engaged in processing a long-duration program command.
QModbusServer::AsciiInputDelimiterReturns a end of message delimiter of Modbus ASCII messages.
QModbusServer::ListenOnlyModeReturns the server's listen only state. Messages are monitored but no response will be sent.
QModbusServer::ServerIdentifierReturns the server manufacturer's identifier code. This can be an arbitrary value in the range of 0x00 to 0xff.
QModbusServer::RunIndicatorStatusReturns the server's run indicator status. This data is used as addendum by the QModbusPdu::ReportServerId function code.
QModbusServer::AdditionalDataReturns the server's additional data. This data is used as addendum by the QModbusPdu::ReportServerId function code.
QModbusServer::DeviceIdentificationReturns the server's physical and functional description.
QModbusServer::UserOptionReturns the value of a user option.

Note: For user options, it is up to the developer to decide which types to use and ensure that components use the correct types when accessing and setting values.

See also setValue().

[virtual protected] bool QModbusServer::writeData(const QModbusDataUnit &newData)

Writes newData to the Modbus server map. Returns true on success, or false if the newData range is outside of the map range or the registerType() does not exist.

Note: Sub-classes that implement writing to a different backing store then default one, also need to implement setMap() and readData(). The dataWritten() signal needs to be emitted from within the functions implementation as well.

See also setMap(), readData(), and dataWritten().

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