Qt Quick 3D Physics - Custom Shapes Example
Demonstrates using different shapes.
This example demonstrates loading and spawning several rigid body meshes as well as animating them. The scene consists of a dice tower, a tablecloth, a cup and a handful of dice. The cup is animated to collect spawning dice and put them in the dice tower. The dice will then roll down and out on the tablecloth.
As usual we have a PhysicsWorld and a View3D. In the View3D we have our environment which sets up a lightprobe:
environment: SceneEnvironment { clearColor: "white" backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.SkyBox antialiasingMode: SceneEnvironment.MSAA antialiasingQuality: SceneEnvironment.High lightProbe: proceduralSky }
We define four textures which will be used for the skybox, the tablecloth and the numbers on the dice:
Texture { id: proceduralSky textureData: ProceduralSkyTextureData { sunLongitude: -115 } } Texture { id: weaveNormal source: "maps/weave.png" scaleU: 200 scaleV: 200 generateMipmaps: true mipFilter: Texture.Linear } Texture { id: numberNormal source: "maps/numbers-normal.png" } Texture { id: numberFill source: "maps/numbers.png" generateMipmaps: true mipFilter: Texture.Linear }
We have a Node which contains our scene with the camera and a directional light:
id: scene scale: Qt.vector3d(2, 2, 2) PerspectiveCamera { id: camera position: Qt.vector3d(-45, 25, 60) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-6, -33, 0) clipFar: 1000 clipNear: 0.1 } DirectionalLight { eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-45, 25, 0) castsShadow: true brightness: 1 shadowMapQuality: Light.ShadowMapQualityHigh pcfFactor: 0.1 shadowBias: 1 }
We add the tablecloth which is a StaticRigidBody consisting of a model with a weave texture and a HeightFieldShape for collision.
StaticRigidBody { position: Qt.vector3d(-15, -8, 0) id: tablecloth Model { geometry: HeightFieldGeometry { id: tableclothGeometry extents: Qt.vector3d(150, 20, 150) source: "maps/cloth-heightmap.png" smoothShading: false } materials: PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: "#447722" roughness: 0.8 normalMap: weaveNormal normalStrength: 0.7 } } collisionShapes: HeightFieldShape { id: hfShape extents: tableclothGeometry.extents source: "maps/cloth-heightmap.png" } }
We define the cup as a DynamicRigidBody with a Model and a TriangleMeshShape as the collision shape. It has a Behavior on the eulerRotation
and position
properties as these are part of an animation.
DynamicRigidBody { id: diceCup isKinematic: true mass: 0 property vector3d bottomPos: Qt.vector3d(11, 6, 0) property vector3d topPos: Qt.vector3d(11, 45, 0) property vector3d unloadPos: Qt.vector3d(0, 45, 0) position: bottomPos kinematicPivot: Qt.vector3d(0, 6, 0) kinematicPosition: bottomPos collisionShapes: TriangleMeshShape { id: cupShape source: "meshes/simpleCup.mesh" } Model { source: "meshes/cup.mesh" materials: PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: "#cc9988" roughness: 0.3 metalness: 1 } } }
The tower is just a StaticRigidBody with a Model and a TriangleMeshShape for collision.
StaticRigidBody { id: diceTower x: -4 Model { id: testModel source: "meshes/tower.mesh" materials: [ PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: "#ccccce" roughness: 0.3 }, PrincipledMaterial { id: glassMaterial baseColor: "#aaaacc" transmissionFactor: 0.95 thicknessFactor: 1 roughness: 0.05 } ] } collisionShapes: TriangleMeshShape { id: triShape source: "meshes/tower.mesh" } }
To generate the dice we use a Component and a Repeater3D. The Component contains a DynamicRigidBody with a ConvexMeshShape and a Model. The position, color, scale and mesh source are randomly generated for each die.
Component { id: diceComponent DynamicRigidBody { id: thisBody function randomInRange(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min } function restore() { reset(initialPosition, eulerRotation) } scale: Qt.vector3d(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(randomInRange(0, 360), randomInRange(0, 360), randomInRange(0, 360)) property vector3d initialPosition: Qt.vector3d(11 + 1.5 * Math.cos(index/(Math.PI/4)), diceCup.bottomPos.y + index * 1.5, 0) position: initialPosition property real scaleFactor: randomInRange(0.8, 1.4) property color baseCol: Qt.hsla(randomInRange(0, 1), randomInRange(0.6, 1.0), randomInRange(0.4, 0.7), 1.0) collisionShapes: ConvexMeshShape { id: diceShape source: Math.random() < 0.25 ? "meshes/icosahedron.mesh" : Math.random() < 0.5 ? "meshes/dodecahedron.mesh" : Math.random() < 0.75 ? "meshes/octahedron.mesh" : "meshes/tetrahedron.mesh" } Model { id: thisModel source: diceShape.source receivesShadows: false materials: PrincipledMaterial { metalness: 1.0 roughness: randomInRange(0.2, 0.6) baseColor: baseCol emissiveMap: numberFill emissiveFactor: Qt.vector3d(1, 1, 1) normalMap: numberNormal normalStrength: 0.75 } } } } Repeater3D { id: dicePool model: 25 delegate: diceComponent function restore() { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { objectAt(i).restore() } } }
To make the dice move from the cup to the dice tower we animate the cup and move it up and then tip it over. To make sure that the animation stays in sync with the physical simulation we use an AnimationController which we connect to the onFrameDone
signal on the PhysicsWorld. After every simulated frame we progress the animation with the elapsed timestep.
Connections { target: physicsWorld property real totalAnimationTime: 7500 function onFrameDone(timeStep) { let progressStep = timeStep / totalAnimationTime animationController.progress += progressStep if (animationController.progress >= 1) { animationController.completeToEnd() animationController.reload() animationController.progress = 0 } } } AnimationController { id: animationController animation: SequentialAnimation { PauseAnimation { duration: 2500 } PropertyAnimation { target: diceCup property: "kinematicPosition" to: diceCup.topPos duration: 2500 } ParallelAnimation { PropertyAnimation { target: diceCup property: "kinematicEulerRotation.z" to: 130 duration: 1500 } PropertyAnimation { target: diceCup property: "kinematicPosition" to: diceCup.unloadPos duration: 1500 } } PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 } ParallelAnimation { PropertyAnimation { target: diceCup property: "kinematicEulerRotation.z" to: 0 duration: 1500 } PropertyAnimation { target: diceCup property: "kinematicPosition" to: diceCup.topPos duration: 1500 } } PropertyAnimation { target: diceCup; property: "kinematicPosition"; to: diceCup.bottomPos; duration: 1500 } PauseAnimation { duration: 2000 } ScriptAction { script: dicePool.restore() } } }
Finally a WasdController is added to be able to control the camera using a keyboard:
WasdController { keysEnabled: true controlledObject: camera speed: 0.2 }
- customshapes/CMakeLists.txt
- customshapes/customshapes.pro
- customshapes/main.cpp
- customshapes/main.qml
- customshapes/qml.qrc
- customshapes/resources.qrc
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