XrOrigin QML Type

The origin location for the XrView. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Xr
Since: Qt 6.8


Status: Technical Preview


Detailed Description

The origin determines the center of the reference space. Changing the position of the origin will transport the user to a different position in the scene.

Most XR platforms allow the user to move physically, changing the viewpoint. This does not change the position of the origin. To track the position of the headset, create an XrCamera and assign it to the camera property.

Warning: Ensure you follow best practices when changing the position/rotation of the origin. Not doing so may cause physical discomfort, nausea, or loss of balance. In the worst case, this could lead to injury or even death.

Property Documentation

camera : XrCamera [default: null]

Property for adding a tracked camera node.

Holds an XrCamera, which is a tracked spatial node that tracks the position and orientation of the head-mounted display in the XR environment.

Note: This property is optional.

See also XrCamera.

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