QtGraphs3D Namespace
The QtGraphs3D module provides enums used by QtGraphs' 3D API. More...
Header: | #include <QtGraphs3D> |
CMake: | find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Graphs) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Graphs) |
qmake: | QT += graphs |
- Deprecated members
- QtGraphs3D is part of Qt Graphs C++ Classes for 3D.
enum class | CameraPreset { NoPreset, FrontLow, Front, FrontHigh, LeftLow, …, DirectlyBelow } |
enum class | ElementType { None, Series, AxisXLabel, AxisYLabel, AxisZLabel, CustomItem } |
enum class | GridLineType { Shader, Geometry } |
enum class | OptimizationHint { Default, Legacy } |
enum class | RenderingMode { DirectToBackground, Indirect } |
enum class | SelectionFlag { None, Item, Row, ItemAndRow, Column, …, MultiSeries } |
flags | SelectionFlags |
enum class | ShadowQuality { None, Low, Medium, High, SoftLow, …, SoftHigh } |
(since 6.10) enum class | SliceType { SliceNone, SliceRow, SliceColumn } |
(since 6.9) enum class | TransparencyTechnique { Default, Approximate, Accurate } |
Type Documentation
enum class QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset
Predefined positions for camera.
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::NoPreset | 0 | Used to indicate a preset has not been set, or the scene has been rotated freely. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::FrontLow | 1 | Both x and y rotations of the camera are 0. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::Front | 2 | X rotation is 0 and y rotation is 22.5 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::FrontHigh | 3 | X rotation is 0 and y rotation is 45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::LeftLow | 4 | X rotation is 90 and y rotation is 0 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::Left | 5 | X rotation is 90 and y rotation is 22.5 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::LeftHigh | 6 | X rotation is 90 and y rotation is 45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::RightLow | 7 | X rotation is -90 and y rotation is 0 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::Right | 8 | X rotation is -90 and y rotation is 22.5 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::RightHigh | 9 | X rotation is -90 and y rotation is 45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::BehindLow | 10 | X rotation is 180 and y rotation is 0 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::Behind | 11 | X rotation is 180 and y rotation is 22.5 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::BehindHigh | 12 | X rotation is 180 and y rotation is 45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::IsometricLeft | 13 | X rotation is 45 and y rotation is 22.5 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::IsometricLeftHigh | 14 | X rotation is 45 and y rotation is 45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::IsometricRight | 15 | X rotation is -45 and y rotation is 22.5 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::IsometricRightHigh | 16 | X rotation is -45 and y rotation is 45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::DirectlyAbove | 17 | X rotation is 0 and y rotation is 90 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::DirectlyAboveCW45 | 18 | X rotation is -45 and y rotation is 90 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::DirectlyAboveCCW45 | 19 | X rotation is 45 and y rotation is 90 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::FrontBelow | 20 | X rotation is 0 and y rotation is -45 degrees. In Q3DBarsWidgetItem from FrontBelow onward these only work for graphs including negative values. They act as CameraPreset...Low for positive-only values. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::LeftBelow | 21 | X rotation is 90 and y rotation is -45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::RightBelow | 22 | X rotation is -90 and y rotation is -45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::BehindBelow | 23 | X rotation is 180 and y rotation is -45 degrees. |
QtGraphs3D::CameraPreset::DirectlyBelow | 24 | X rotation is 0 and y rotation is -90 degrees. Acts as FrontLow for positive-only bars. |
enum class QtGraphs3D::ElementType
Type of an element in the graph.
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::ElementType::None | 0 | No defined element. |
QtGraphs3D::ElementType::Series | 1 | An item in a series. |
QtGraphs3D::ElementType::AxisXLabel | 2 | The x-axis label. |
QtGraphs3D::ElementType::AxisYLabel | 3 | The y-axis label. |
QtGraphs3D::ElementType::AxisZLabel | 4 | The z-axis label. |
QtGraphs3D::ElementType::CustomItem | 5 | A custom item. |
enum class QtGraphs3D::GridLineType
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::GridLineType::Shader | 0 | Grid lines are rendered with GPU in a shader. |
QtGraphs3D::GridLineType::Geometry | 1 | Grid lines are rendered with 3D models. |
enum class QtGraphs3D::OptimizationHint
The optimization hint for rendering.
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::OptimizationHint::Default | 0 | Provides the full feature set with instancing at a good performance. |
QtGraphs3D::OptimizationHint::Legacy | 1 | Provides the full feature set at a reasonable performance. To be used if OptimizationHint.Default performs poorly or does not work. |
enum class QtGraphs3D::RenderingMode
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::RenderingMode::DirectToBackground | 0 | Indicates that the graph will be rendered directly on the window background and QML items are rendered on top of it. Using non-transparent QML item as a background will hide the graph. Clears the whole window before rendering the graph, including the areas outside the graph. If the surface format of the window supports antialiasing, it will be used (see QQuick3D::idealSurfaceFormat()). This rendering mode offers the best performance at the expense of non-standard QML behavior. For example, the graphs do not obey the z ordering of QML items and the opacity value has no effect on them. |
QtGraphs3D::RenderingMode::Indirect | 1 | Indicates the graph will be first rendered to an offscreen surface that is then drawn during normal QML item rendering. The rendered image is antialiased using the multisampling method if it is supported in the current environment and the msaaSamples property value is greater than zero. This rendering mode offers good quality and normal QML item behavior at the expense of performance. |
enum class QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag
flags QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlags
Item selection modes. Values of this enumeration can be combined with OR operator.
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::None | 0x00 | Selection mode disabled. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::Item | 0x01 | Selection highlights a single item. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::Row | 0x02 | Selection highlights a single row. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::ItemAndRow | Item | Row | Combination flag for highlighting both item and row with different colors. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::Column | 0x04 | Selection highlights a single column. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::ItemAndColumn | Item | Column | Combination flag for highlighting both item and column with different colors. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::RowAndColumn | Row | Column | Combination flag for highlighting both row and column. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::ItemRowAndColumn | Item | Row | Column | Combination flag for highlighting item, row, and column. |
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::Slice | 0x08 | Setting this mode flag indicates that the graph should take care of the slice view handling automatically. If you wish to control the slice view yourself via Q3DScene, do not set this flag. When setting this mode flag, either Row or Column must also be set, but not both. Slicing is supported by Q3DBarsWidgetItem and Q3DSurfaceWidgetItem only. When this flag is set, slice mode is entered in the following situations:
QtGraphs3D::SelectionFlag::MultiSeries | 0x10 | Setting this mode means that items for all series at same position are highlighted, instead of just the selected item. The actual selection in the other series doesn't change. When setting this mode flag, one or more of the basic selection flags (Item , Row , or Column ) must also be set. Multi-series selection is not supported for Q3DScatterWidgetItem. |
The SelectionFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<SelectionFlag>. It stores an OR combination of SelectionFlag values.
enum class QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality
Quality of shadows.
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality::None | 0 | Shadows are disabled. |
QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality::Low | 1 | Shadows are rendered in low quality. |
QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality::Medium | 2 | Shadows are rendered in medium quality. |
QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality::High | 3 | Shadows are rendered in high quality. |
QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality::SoftLow | 4 | Shadows are rendered in low quality with softened edges. |
QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality::SoftMedium | 5 | Shadows are rendered in medium quality with softened edges. |
QtGraphs3D::ShadowQuality::SoftHigh | 6 | Shadows are rendered in high quality with softened edges. |
[since 6.10]
enum class QtGraphs3D::SliceType
Type of slice to grab to an image.
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::SliceType::SliceNone | 0 | Slice type is not defined. |
QtGraphs3D::SliceType::SliceRow | 1 | Slice for rows. |
QtGraphs3D::SliceType::SliceColumn | 2 | Slice for columns. |
This enum was introduced in Qt 6.10.
[since 6.9]
enum class QtGraphs3D::TransparencyTechnique
Specifies which transparency technique to use. The Default value is Default
. When rendering transparent surface graphs, use Approximate
or Accurate
Constant | Value | Description |
QtGraphs3D::TransparencyTechnique::Default | 0 | Indicates that order-independent transparency techniques are not used. Offers the best performance. Use when graphs don't contain transparency or when a bar or scatter graph is also using instancing, that is optimizationHint is {QtGraphs3D::OptimizationHint::Default}. |
QtGraphs3D::TransparencyTechnique::Approximate | 1 | Indicates that a graph attempts an approximation of order-independent transparency. This method is faster than Accurate and works on older hardware but may yield inaccurate results. Use when the order-independent transparency is needed, but the performance cost has to be lower than when using accurate order-independent transparency. |
QtGraphs3D::TransparencyTechnique::Accurate | 2 | Indicates that accurate order-independent transparency is used. Use when perfect transparency rendering is needed. |
Note: Accurate transparency is not yet implemented and will be enabled when the required functionality is added to QtQuick3D.
This enum was introduced in Qt 6.9.
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