
Manage two threaded connections between a Qt gRPC client and a C++ gRPC server.

The example simulates a vehicle dashboard that displays data sent by a gRPC server.

Vehicle example dashboard screenshot

The example code has the following components:

  • vehicle_client Qt gRPC client application that uses the qt_add_protobuf() and qt_add_grpc() CMake functions for message and service Qt code generation.
  • vehicle_server application that calls C++ gRPC plugin for generating server code and implementing simple server logic.

Note: you need the C++ gRPC plugin installed. Find details here: Module prerequisites

Both components use generated messages from the protobuf schemas described in the files vehicleservice.proto and navigationservice.proto.

Vehicle service:

message SpeedMsg {
    int32 speed = 1;

message RpmMsg {
    int32 rpm = 1;

message AutonomyMsg {
    int32 autonomy = 1;

service VehicleService {
    rpc getSpeedStream(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream SpeedMsg) {}
    rpc getRpmStream(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream RpmMsg) {}
    rpc getAutonomy(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (AutonomyMsg) {}

Navigation service:

enum DirectionEnum {
    RIGHT = 0;
    LEFT = 1;
    STRAIGHT = 2;
    BACKWARD = 3;

message NavigationMsg {
    int32 totalDistance = 1;
    int32 traveledDistance = 2;
    DirectionEnum direction = 3;
    string street = 4;

service NavigationService {
    rpc getNavigationStream(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream NavigationMsg) {}

The VehicleManager C++ singleton uses two QThread instances to communicate with the server in parallel. The threads have different gRPC connection types. In this example, there are two types:

  • Server streaming RPCs For example, the speed stream of the vehicle thread. It uses two callback functions: QGrpcServerStream::messageReceived and QGrpcOperation::finished
    Empty speedRequest;
    m_streamSpeed = m_client->getSpeedStream(speedRequest);
    connect(m_streamSpeed.get(), &QGrpcServerStream::messageReceived, this, [this]() {
        if (const auto speedResponse = m_streamSpeed->read<SpeedMsg>()) {
            emit speedChanged(speedResponse->speed());
        m_streamSpeed.get(), &QGrpcServerStream::finished, this,
        [this](const QGrpcStatus &status) {
            if (!status.isOk()) {
                auto error = QString("Stream error fetching speed %1 (%2)")
                emit connectionError(error);
                qWarning() << error;
  • Unary RPCs The RPC getAutonomy operation is a unary RPC. It returns a single response. It is only connected to the QGrpcOperation::finished signal.
    Empty autonomyRequest;
    std::unique_ptr<QGrpcCallReply> autonomyReply = m_client->getAutonomy(autonomyRequest);
    const auto *autonomyReplyPtr = autonomyReply.get();
        autonomyReplyPtr, &QGrpcCallReply::finished, this,
        [this, autonomyReply = std::move(autonomyReply)](const QGrpcStatus &status) {
            if (!status.isOk()) {
                auto error = QString("Call error fetching autonomy %1 (%2)")
                emit connectionError(error);
                qWarning() << error;
            if (const auto autonomyMsg = autonomyReply->read<AutonomyMsg>()) {
                emit autonomyChanged(autonomyMsg->autonomy());

The client main window interface is defined in the Main.qml file. It uses QML Connections type in order to connect to the signals of the VehicleManager C++ singleton to custom slots:

    Connections {
        target: VehicleManager

        // This slot will be executed when the VehicleManager::totalDistanceChanged
        // signal is emitted
        function onTotalDistanceChanged(distance: int): void {
            root.totalDistance = distance;

        function onSpeedChanged(speed: int): void {
            root.speed = speed;

        function onRpmChanged(rpm: int): void {
            root.rpm = rpm;

        function onTraveledDistanceChanged(distance: int): void {
            root.traveledDistance = distance;

        function onDirectionChanged(direction: int): void {
            if (direction == VehicleManager.RIGHT) {
                root.directionImageSource = "qrc:/direction_right.svg";
            } else if (direction == VehicleManager.LEFT) {
                root.directionImageSource =  "qrc:/direction_left.svg";
            } else if (direction == VehicleManager.STRAIGHT) {
                root.directionImageSource =  "qrc:/direction_straight.svg";
            } else {
                root.directionImageSource =  "";

After receiving a response, the client window updates the UI with the received data. This way, messages can be received in different threads and be sent to the client UI in a thread-safe way thanks to the signals.

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