Qt Android Automotive Media Module
This module enables you to utilize features which are native to Android and Android Automotive OS for controlling media, such as media sessions. It leverages Qt Multimedia to help you with vehicle entertainment and UI interaction sounds.
Using the module
Using a Qt module requires linking against the module library, either directly or through other dependencies.
To include the definitions of the module's classes, use the following directive for C++:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS AndroidAutomotiveMedia) target_link_libraries(mytarget PUBLIC Qt6::AndroidAutomotiveMedia)
To use the QML types in Qt Android Automotive Media, add the following import statement to your qml file:
import QtAndroidAutomotive.Media
Some of the APIs in the module need Android permissions to function properly. For more details, see Permissions in Qt Android Automotive Media Module.
API Reference
Demonstrates media session API usage. |
Known issues, bugs, and defects
All known issues, bugs, and defects that affect this module are listed and described here. The status of these will be updated in every release.
These issues relate to the MediaSessions API:
onListenerConnected called before permissions granted
Currently, the Media Sessions API relies on the onListenerConnected method to determine when the notification access has been granted by the user. However, sometimes Android calls the onListenerConnected method even before notification access is granted. This is an open bug on Android and has been reported here.
A workaround is to remove an installed app's permissions before un-installing the app.
Available under certain Qt licenses.
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