
The following topics contain reference information about using Qt Creator and the integrated tools.


Third-party components in Qt Creator.

Command-Line Options

Options for starting Qt Creator from the command line.

Custom Wizards

Wizard types and JSON wizard format.


Answers to some frequently asked questions about Qt Creator.


Qt Creator terms and concepts.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Default keyboard shortcuts.

Known Issues

Known issues in Qt Creator version 13.0.2.

Technical Support

Qt support sites and other useful sites.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems that you can use from Qt Creator.


Use integrated code analysis tools to improve your C++ or QML code.

JavaScript and QML Checks

Run static checks on the QML and JavaScript code in your project to find common problems.

Build Systems

When you create projects, you can choose the build system to use for building the project: CMake, qmake, Meson, or Qbs. qmake is installed and configured when you install Qt. To use one of the other supported build systems, you need to set it up.


With Autotools, you can create a portable, complete, and self-contained GNU Build System from simple instructions.


CMake is an alternative to qmake for automating the generation of build systems.

Conan Package Manager

The experimental Conan plugin integrates the Conan package manager.


IncrediBuild decreases the time it takes to build C++ code.


Use Meson to build native desktop applications.


The Nimble package manager uses the Nim compiler to generate Nim application executables for the desktop platforms.


Qbs is an all-in-one build tool that generates a build graph from a high-level project description (like qmake or CMake do) and executes the commands in the low-level build graph (like make does).

vcpkg Package Manager

The experimental vcpkg plugin integrates the vcpkg C/C++ package manager.

Build Configurations

Build configurations have everything you need to compile the sources into binaries. Build configurations use the tools and settings defined in their corresponding kit.

CMake Build Configuration

Settings for building applications with CMake.

CMake Presets

Examples of supported CMake presets.

Conan Build Configuration

Settings for building applications with the Conan package manager.

IncrediBuild Build Configuration

Build and clean steps for Incredibuild.

Meson Build Configuration

Settings for building applications with Meson.

Qbs Build Configuration

Settings for building applications with Qbs.

qmake Build Configuration

Settings for building applications with qmake.


Connect devices to the computer to run, debug, and analyze applications built for them from Qt Creator. When you install Qt for a target platform, such as Android or QNX, the build and run configurations for the development targets might be set up automatically in Qt Creator.

Developing for MCUs

Connect MCU devices to the computer to run and debug applications on them.


When you open files, Qt Creator chooses a suitable editor according to the file type.

C++ Quick Fixes

Summary of quick fixes for C++ code.

Clang Code Model

Offers code editing services for C++.

Edit Mode

Edit and navigate code and other resources in your projects.

FakeVim Modes and Commands

Supported Vim modes and emulated commands.

Language Servers

Get code completion, highlighting of the symbol under cursor, and jumping to the symbol definition in the editor for other programming languages besides C++, as well as diagnostics.

Model Editor

Create Universal Modeling Language (UML) style models with structured and behavioral diagrams.

QML Quick Fixes

Summary of quick fixes for QML code.

SCXML Editor

Edit state chart (.scxml) files.


You can install and run Qt Creator on several operating systems to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms.

Desktop Platforms

Requirements for operating systems that you can install and run Qt Creator on.

Embedded Platforms

Embedded platforms that you can develop applications for.

Mobile Platforms

Mobile platforms that you can develop applications for.

Optimizing Applications for Mobile Devices

Guidelines for developing usable applications for mobile devices.

Supported Platforms

Summary of development and target platforms.


You can set preferences that apply globally to all projects and override them for particular projects.


Create a connection to an Axivion dashboard server.


Format source code with Artistic Style, ClangFormat, or Uncrustify.


Set indentation for Vim-style editing and map vim commands to Qt Creator functions.


Add and change locator filters.


Set Nim code style and paths to tools.


Set preferences for Qbs and Qbs profiles.

Qt Quick Code Style

Set QML code style.

Screen Recording

Set preferences for recording screens with FFmpeg.


Customize the handling of tests, test frameworks, and test tools.


Add keywords for listing to-do entries.


Preferences for code analysis tools.

Clang Tools

Set preferences for Clang-Tidy and Clazy.


Preferences for editing C++ code.

C++ Code Style

Set global code style for C++ files.


Sets global preferences for the clangd code model.

Code Model

Sets global preferences for the code model.

Quick Fixes

Set global preferences for C++ quick fixes.


Preferences for build and run kits.


Lists the registered compilers. You can add custom compilers to the list.


Set kit preferences. A kit consists of a set of values that define one environment, such as a device, tool chain, Qt version, and debugger command to use.

Text Editor

Preferences for the behavior and appearance of text and code editors.


Set preferences for indentation, typing, and file encoding in the text editor.


Set preferences for code completion and inserting matching characters in the text editor.

Font & Colors

Set the font preferences and apply color schemes for syntax highlighting, diff editor, and code analysis results.


Add, change, and remove snippets in the snippet editor.

Run Configurations

Run configurations start the application in the location where the deploy configuration copied it. By default, when you select Run, Qt Creator builds the project, deploys it to the device defined in the kit, and runs it there. If you did not make changes to the project since you last built and deployed it, Qt Creator simply runs it again.

Android Run Settings

Settings for running applications on Android devices.

Boot2Qt Run Settings

Settings for running applications on Boot2Qt devices.

Desktop Device Run Settings

Settings for running applications on desktop device types.

Python Run Settings

Settings for running Qt for Python applications.

QNX Run Settings

Settings for running applications on Linux-based devices.

Qt Quick UI Prototype Run Settings

Settings for running Qt Quick UI Prototype projects (.qmlproject).

Remote Linux Run Settings

Settings for running applications on Linux-based devices.

UI Design

You can use a visual editor, Qt Designer, for designing widget-based UIs in the Design mode. For Qt Quick UIs, use a separate visual editor, Qt Design Studio, or the Edit mode.

Adding Qt Designer Plugins

Adding widgets to Qt Designer by creating plugins that extend Qt applications.

Converting UI Projects to Applications

Converting a project that has a .qmlproject file to one that has a .pro file.

Qt Designer

A visual editor for Qt Widgets.

Qt Quick Designer

A visual editor for QML files (.qml) and Qt Design Studio UI files (.ui.qml).

UI Files

Limitations of Qt Design Studio UI files (.ui.qml).

Using QML Modules with Plugins

Using C++ plugins to expose custom components to Qt Quick applications.


When you switch modes or trigger actions, Qt Creator opens views for viewing output and organizing project contents.

Output Views

You can view output from several sources, such as a list of errors and warnings encountered during a build, detailed output from the compiler, status of a program when it is executed, debug output, or search results.

Application Output

Displays the status of a program when you execute it, and the debug output.

Compile Output

Shows all output from the compiler.


Lists issues from different sources.

Search Results View

Search through projects, files on a file system or the currently open files and view search results.


Opens a terminal.

Test Results

View test results.

To-Do Entries

Lists to-do keywords from project files.

In some modes, you can use a left and right sidebar to organize different views into project contents. Only views that are relevant to the mode you are working in are available in it.

Call Hierarchy

Shows information about incoming and outgoing function calls from a language server.

Class View

Shows the class hierarchy of the currently open projects.

File System

Shows all the files in the current directory.

Include Hierarchy

Shows the files that the current file includes and those that include the current file.

Open Documents

Shows currently open files.


Shows an overview of defined types and other symbols, as well as their properties and hierarchy in a source file.


Shows a list of projects in a project tree.

Type Hierarchy

Shows the base classes and derived classes of a class.

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