C++ Quick Fixes

If you use the Clang code model to parse the C++ files, you get Clang fix-it hints in the Edit mode. Use the standard ways of activating quick fixes, or select the fixes that are applicable on a line in the context menu in the left margin of the code editor.

Apply the following types of quick fixes to C++ code:

  • Change binary operands
  • Simplify if and while conditions (for example, move declarations out of if conditions)
  • Modify strings (for example, set the encoding for a string to Latin-1, mark strings translatable, and convert symbol names to camel case)
  • Create variable declarations
  • Create function declarations and definitions

The following tables summarize the quick fixes available for C++ code, according to the cursor position.

Block of Code Selected

Quick FixDescription
Assign to Local VariableAdds a local variable which stores the return value of a function call or a new expression. For example, rewrites
QString s;


QString s;
QByteArray latin1 = s.toLatin1();


new Foo;


Foo * localFoo = new Foo;

By default, Qt Creator uses the auto variable type when creating the variable. To label the variable with its actual type, select Preferences > C++ > Quick Fixes and clear Use type "auto" when creating new variables.

Also available for a function call.

Extract FunctionMoves the selected code to a new function and replaces the block of code with a call to the new function. Enter a name for the function in the Extract Function Refactoring dialog.
Extract Constant as Function ParameterReplaces the selected literal and all its occurrences with the function parameter newParameter, which has the original literal as the default value.


The following quick fixes are available when the cursor is on the definition of a class.

Quick FixDescription
Create Implementations for Member FunctionsCreates implementations for all member functions in one go. In the Member Function Implementations dialog, specify whether the member functions are generated inline or outside the class.
Generate ConstructorCreates a constructor for a class.
Generate Missing Q_PROPERTY MembersAdds missing members to a Q_PROPERTY:
  • read function
  • write function, if there is a WRITE
  • onChanged signal, if there is a NOTIFY
  • data member with the name m_<propertyName>
Insert Virtual Functions of Base ClassesInserts declarations and the corresponding definitions inside or outside the class or in an implementation file (if it exists). For more information, see Insert virtual functions.
Move All Function DefinitionsMoves all function definitions to the implementation file or outside the class. For example, rewrites
class Foo
  void bar()
      // do stuff here
  void baz()
      // do stuff here


class Foo
  void bar();
  void baz();

void Foo::bar() {
    // do stuff here

void Foo::baz() {
    // do stuff here
Move Class to a Dedicated Set of Source FilesMoves a class to separate header and source files. For more information, see Move classes to separate files.
Re-order Member Function Definitions According to Declaration OrderRe-orders method definitions in a .cpp file to follow the order of method declarations in the corresponding .h file.

Class Member

The following quick fixes are available when the cursor is on a member variable in a class definition.

Quick FixDescription
Generate Constant Q_PROPERTY and Missing MembersGenerates a constant Q_PROPERTY and adds missing members to it.
Generate GetterCreates a getter member function for a member variable.
Generate Getter and SetterCreates getter and setter member functions for a member variable.
Create Getter and Setter Member FunctionsCreates either both getter and setter member functions for member variables or only a getter or setter.
Generate Q_PROPERTY and Missing MembersGenerates a Q_PROPERTY and adds missing members to it.
Generate Q_PROPERTY and Missing Members with Reset FunctionGenerates a Q_PROPERTY and adds missing members to it, with an additional reset function.
Generate SetterCreates a setter member function for a member variable.

Control Statement

Quick FixDescription
Add Curly BracesAdds curly braces to an if clause or to a do, while, or for loop. For example, rewrites an if clause
if (a)


if (a) {
} else {

Rewrites a do loop

while (i < 10);


do {
} while (i < 10);

Rewrites a while loop

while (i > 0)


while (i > 0) {

Rewrites a for loop

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)


for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
Complete Switch StatementAdds all possible cases to a switch statement of the type enum.
Move Declaration out of ConditionMoves a declaration out of an if or while condition to simplify the condition. For example, rewrites
if (Type name = foo()) {}


Type name = foo;
if (name) {}
Optimize for-LoopRewrites post-increment operators as pre-increment operators and post-decrement operators as pre-decrement operators. It also moves other than string or numeric literals and id expressions from the condition of a for loop to its initializer. For example, rewrites
for (int i = 0; i < 3 * 2; i++)


for (int i = 0, total = 3 * 2; i < total; ++i)

Function Declaration or Definition

Quick FixDescription
Add Definition ...Inserts a definition stub for a function declaration either in the header file (inside or outside the class) or in the implementation file. For free functions, inserts the definition after the declaration of the function or in the implementation file. Qualified names are minimized when possible, instead of always being fully expanded.

For example, rewrites

Class Foo {
    void bar();

as (inside class)

Class Foo {
    void bar() {


as (outside class)

Class Foo {
    void bar();

void Foo::bar()


as (in implementation file)

// Header file
Class Foo {
    void bar();

// Implementation file
void Foo::bar()

Add Function DeclarationInserts the member function declaration that matches the member function definition into the class declaration. The function can be public, protected, private, public slot, protected slot, or private slot.
Apply ChangesKeeps function declarations and definitions synchronized by checking for the matching declaration or definition when you edit a function signature and by applying the changes to the matching code.

When this fix is available, a light bulb icon appears:

Convert Function Call to Qt Meta-Method InvocationConverts an invokable function call into a meta method invocation. This applies to signals and slots in general, as well as functions explicitly marked with Q_INVOKABLE. For example, for the following class:
class Foo : public QObject
    explicit Foo(QObject *parent = nullptr);

    Q_SLOT void pubBar(int i);

    Q_INVOKABLE void bar(int i, const QString &c);


Foo::Foo(QObject *parent)
    : QObject{parent}
    this->bar(42, QString("answer"));


Foo::Foo(QObject *parent)
    : QObject{parent}
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "bar", Q_ARG(int, 42), Q_ARG(QString, QString("answer")));

The quick fix also works on invokable methods outside the class that are visible from the location where they are called from. For example, it rewrites

Foo f;


Foo f;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&f, "pubBar", Q_ARG(int, 123));
Move Definition HereMoves an existing function definition to its declaration.
Move Function DefinitionMoves a function definition to the implementation file, outside the class or back to its declaration. For example, rewrites
class Foo
  void bar()
      // do stuff here


class Foo
  void bar();

void Foo::bar() {
    // do stuff here
Move Function Documentation to Declaration/DefinitionMoves the documentation comment for a function between its declaration and definition.


Quick FixDescription
Add #include for undeclared or forward declared identifierAdds an #include directive to the current file to make the definition of a symbol available.
Add Class MemberAdds a member declaration for the class member being initialized if it is not yet declared. If Qt Creator cannot automatically detect the data type of the member, you must add it.
Add Forward DeclarationAdds a forward declaration for an undeclared identifier operation.
Convert to Camel CaseConverts a symbol name to camel case, where elements of the name are joined without delimiter characters and the initial character of each element is capitalized. For example, rewrites an_example_symbol as anExampleSymbol and AN_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL as AnExampleSymbol

Numeric Literal

Quick FixDescription
Convert to DecimalConverts an integer literal to decimal representation
Convert to HexadecimalConverts an integer literal to hexadecimal representation
Convert to OctalConverts an integer literal to octal representation


Quick FixDescriptionOperator
Rewrite Condition Using ||Rewrites the expression according to De Morgan's laws. For example, rewrites
!a && !b


!(a || b)
Rewrite Using operatorRewrites an expression negating it and using the inverse operator. For example, rewrites
  • a op b


    !(a invop b)
  • (a op b)


    !(a invop b)
  • !(a op b)


    (a invob b)
<=, <, >, >=, == or !=
Split if StatementSplits an if statement into several statements. For example, rewrites
if (something && something_else) {


if (something) {
   if (something_else) {


if (something || something_else)


if (something)
else if (something_else)
&& or ||
Swap OperandsRewrites an expression in the inverse order using the inverse operator. For example, rewrites
a op b


b flipop a
<=, <, >, >=, ==, !=, && or ||

String Literal

Quick FixDescription
Convert to Objective-C String LiteralConverts a string literal to an Objective-C string literal if the file type is Objective-C(++). For example, rewrites the following strings


Enclose in QByteArrayLiteral()Converts a string to a byte array. For example, rewrites


Enclose in QLatin1Char()Sets the encoding for a character to Latin-1, unless the character is already enclosed in QLatin1Char, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP, tr, trUtf8, QLatin1Literal, or QLatin1String. For example, rewrites


Enclose in QLatin1String()Sets the encoding for a string to Latin-1, unless the string is already enclosed in QLatin1Char, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP, tr, trUtf8, QLatin1Literal, or QLatin1String. For example, rewrites


Escape String Literal as UTF-8Escapes non-ASCII characters in a string literal to hexadecimal escape sequences. String Literals are handled as UTF-8.
Mark as TranslatableMarks a string translatable. For example, rewrites "abcd" with one of the following options, depending on which of them is available:
QCoreApplication::translate("CONTEXT", "abcd")
Unescape String Literal as UTF-8Unescapes octal or hexadecimal escape sequences in a string literal. String Literals are handled as UTF-8.

using directive

Quick FixDescription
Remove All Occurrences of using namespace in Global Scope and Adjust Type Names AccordinglyRemove all occurrences of using namespace in the global scope and adjust type names accordingly.
Remove using namespace and Adjust Type Names AccordinglyRemove occurrences of using namespace in the local scope and adjust type names accordingly.


Quick FixDescriptionActivation
Add Local DeclarationAdds the type of an assignee, if the type of the right-hand side of the assignment is known. For example, rewrites
a = foo();


Type a = foo();

where Type is the return type of foo()

Convert connect() to Qt 5 StyleConverts a Qt 4 QObject::connect() to Qt 5 style.QObject::connect() (Qt 4 style)
Convert Comment to C/C++ StyleConverts C-style comments into C++-style comments, and vice versa. Tries to preserve pretty layout and takes Doxygen and qdoc formatting into consideration, but you might need to clean up the results.Code comment
Convert to PointerConverts the selected stack variable to a pointer. For example, rewrites
QByteArray foo = "foo";


QByteArray *foo = new QByteArray("foo");

This operation is limited to work only within function scope. Also, the coding style for pointers and references is not respected yet.

Stack Variable
Convert to Stack VariableConverts the selected pointer to a stack variable. For example, rewrites
QByteArray *foo = new QByteArray("foo");


QByteArray foo("foo");

This operation is limited to work only within function scope. Also, the coding style for pointers and references is not respected yet.

Pointer Variable
Reformat Pointers or ReferencesReformats declarations with pointers or references according to the code style settings for the current project. In case no project is open, the current global code style settings are used.

For example, rewrites



char *s;

When applied to selections, all suitable declarations in the selection are rewritten.

Declarations with pointers or references and selections that have such declarations
Split DeclarationSplits a simple declaration into several declarations. For example, rewrites
int *a, b;


int *a;
int b;
Type name or variable name
Switch with Next/Previous ParameterMoves a parameter down or up one position in a parameter list.Parameter in the declaration or definition of a function

See also Apply quick fixes, Find symbols, Rename symbols, Specify settings for quick fixes, QML Quick Fixes, and Quick Fixes.

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