---@meta Qt --- The values in enums here do not matter, as they are defined by the C++ code. local qt = {} ---@enum CompleterCompletionMode qt.CompleterCompletionMode = { PopupCompletion = 0, InlineCompletion = 1, UnfilteredPopupCompletion = 2, }; ---@class QCompleter ---@field completionMode CompleterCompletionMode The completion mode. local QCompleter = {} ---Creates a new Completer. ---@param params string[] The list of suggestions. ---@return QCompleter completer The new Completer. function qt.QCompleter.create(params) end ---Returns current completion. ---@return string function qt.QCompleter:currentCompletion() end ---@param callback function The function to be called when user choice is selected from popup. function qt.QCompleter.onActivated(callback) end ---@class QClipboard A Lua wrapper for the Qt `QClipboard` class. ---@field text string The text content of the clipboard. Gets or sets the text content of the clipboard. qt.QClipboard = {} ---Returns the global clipboard object. ---@return QClipboard globalClipboard The global clipboard object. function qt.clipboard() end --@class QCursor A Lua wrapper for the Qt `QCursor` class. qt.QCursor = {} ---Returns the position of the cursor (hot spot) of the primary screen in global screen coordinates. ---@return QPoint position The position of the cursor. function qt.QCursor.pos() end ---@class QFontMetrics A Lua wrapper for the Qt `QFontMetrics` class. qt.QFontMetrics = {} ---Returns current font height. ---@return int function qt.QFontMetrics:height() end ---Creates a new QFontMetrics. ---@param font QFont ---@return QFontMetrics fontMetrics The new QFontMetrics. function qt.QFontMetrics.create(params) end ---@enum TextElideMode qt.TextElideMode = { ElideLeft = 0, ElideRight = 0, ElideMiddle = 0, ElideNone = 0, } qt.QDir = { ---@enum Filters Filters = { Dirs = 0, Files = 0, Drives = 0, NoSymLinks = 0, AllEntries = 0, TypeMask = 0, Readable = 0, Writable = 0, Executable = 0, PermissionMask = 0, Modified = 0, Hidden = 0, System = 0, AccessMask = 0, AllDirs = 0, CaseSensitive = 0, NoDot = 0, NoDotDot = 0, NoDotAndDotDot = 0, NoFilter = 0, }, ---@enum SortFlags SortFlags = { Name = 0, Time = 0, Size = 0, Unsorted = 0, SortByMask = 0, DirsFirst = 0, Reversed = 0, IgnoreCase = 0, DirsLast = 0, LocaleAware = 0, Type = 0, NoSort = 0, } } qt.QDirIterator = { ---@enum IteratorFlag IteratorFlag = { NoIteratorFlags = 0, FollowSymlinks = 0, Subdirectories = 0, } } qt.QFileDevice = { ---@enum Permission Permission = { ReadOwner = 0, ReadUser = 0, ReadGroup = 0, ReadOther = 0, WriteOwner = 0, WriteUser = 0, WriteGroup = 0, WriteOther = 0, ExeOwner = 0, ExeUser = 0, ExeGroup = 0, ExeOther = 0, } } qt.QStandardPaths = { ---@enum StandardLocation StandardLocation = { DesktopLocation = 0, DocumentsLocation = 0, FontsLocation = 0, ApplicationsLocation = 0, MusicLocation = 0, MoviesLocation = 0, PicturesLocation = 0, TempLocation = 0, HomeLocation = 0, AppLocalDataLocation = 0, CacheLocation = 0, GenericDataLocation = 0, RuntimeLocation = 0, ConfigLocation = 0, DownloadLocation = 0, GenericCacheLocation = 0, GenericConfigLocation = 0, AppDataLocation = 0, AppConfigLocation = 0, PublicShareLocation = 0, TemplatesLocation = 0, } } return qt
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