
---@meta Utils

local utils = {}

---The Process ID of Qt Creator.
utils.pid = 0

---Suspends the current coroutine for the given amount of milliseconds. Call `a.wait` on the returned value to get the result.
---@param ms number The amount of milliseconds to wait.
function utils.waitms(ms) end

---Calls the callback after the given amount of milliseconds.
---@param ms number The amount of milliseconds to wait.
---@param callback function The callback to call.
function utils.waitms_cb(ms, callback) end

---Creates a UUID.
---@return QString Arbitrary UUID string.
function utils.createUuid() end

---@class FilePath
utils.FilePath = {}

---@param path string The path to convert.
---@return FilePath The converted path.
---Convert and clean a path, returning a FilePath object.
function utils.FilePath.fromUserInput(path) end

---@return FilePath The new absolute path.
---Searches for the path inside the PATH environment variable. Call `a.wait` on the returned value to get the result.
function utils.FilePath:searchInPath() end

---@class (exact) DirEntriesOptions
---@field nameFilters? string[] The name filters to use (e.g. "*.lua"), defaults to all files.
---@field fileFilters? integer The filters to use (combination of QDir.Filters.*), defaults to QDir.Filters.NoFilter.
---@field flags? integer The iterator flags (combination of QDirIterator.Flags.*), defaults to QDirIterator.Flags.NoIteratorFlags.

---Returns all entries in the directory. Call `a.wait` on the returned value to get the result.
---@param options DirEntriesOptions
---@return FilePath[]
function utils.FilePath:dirEntries(options) end

---Returns the FilePath as it should be displayed to the user.
---@return string
function utils.FilePath:toUserOutput() end

---Returns whether the target exists.
---@return boolean
function utils.FilePath:exists() end

---Returns whether the target is a file and executable.
---@return boolean
function utils.FilePath:isExecutableFile() end

---Returns the path portion of FilePath as a string in the hosts native format.
---@return string
function utils.FilePath:nativePath() end

---Returns the last part of the path.
---@return string
function utils.FilePath:fileName() end

---Returns the current working path of Qt Creator.
---@return FilePath
function utils.FilePath.currentWorkingPath() end

---Returns a new FilePath with the given tail appended.
---@param tail string|FilePath The tail to append.
---@return FilePath
function utils.FilePath:resolvePath(tail) end

---Returns the parent directory of the path.
---@return FilePath
function utils.FilePath:parentDir() end

---If the path targets a symlink, this function returns the target of the symlink.
---@return FilePath resolvedPath The resolved path.
function utils.FilePath:resolveSymlinks() end

---Returns the suffix of the paths (e.g. "test.ui.qml" -> ".qml").
---@return string
function utils.FilePath:suffix() end

---Returns the complete suffix of the paths (e.g. "test.ui.qml" -> "ui.qml").
---@return string
function utils.FilePath:completeSuffix() end

---Returns whether the path is absolute.
---@return boolean
function utils.FilePath:isAbsolutePath() end

---@class HostOsInfo
---@field os "mac"|"windows"|"linux" The current host operating system.
---@field architecture "unknown"|"x86"|"x86_64"|"itanium"|"arm"|"arm64" The current host architecture.
utils.HostOsInfo = {}

---Returns whether the host operating system is windows.
---@return boolean
function utils.HostOsInfo.isWindowsHost() end

---Returns whether the host operating system is mac.
---@return boolean
function utils.HostOsInfo.isMacHost() end

---Returns whether the host operating system is linux.
---@return boolean
function utils.HostOsInfo.isLinuxHost() end

---@class Timer
utils.Timer = {}

---@param timeoutMs integer The timeout in milliseconds.
---@param singleShot boolean Whether the timer should only fire once.
---@param callback function The callback to call when the timeout is reached.
---@return Timer timer The created timer.
function utils.Timer.create(timeoutMs, singleShot, callback) end

--- Starts the timer. Calling start on a running timer restarts the timer.
function utils.Timer:start() end

--- Stops the timer.
function utils.Timer:stop() end

return utils

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