Qt Quick Ultralite Performance Guide

This guide describes different optimization techniques that you could use to improve performance and reduce memory footprint of your application. Besides optimizing, you should also follow the best practices while writing QML code.

Before you start optimizing, gather important performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, application ROM footprint, and so on. See Qt Quick Ultralite Performance Logging for more information.

Note: Since Qt for MCUs 2.6, Qt Quick Ultralite Core and Platform libraries are shipped with QUL_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING and QUL_ENABLE_HARDWARE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING enabled by default. While useful to profile your application, performance metrics collection adds an unwanted overhead for production ready applications. To remove it, rebuild the Qt Quick Ultralite libraries with QUL_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING and QUL_ENABLE_HARDWARE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING disabled.

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