Qt Quick Ultralite swipe_game Demo
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.21.1) project(swipe_game VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES C CXX ASM) if (NOT TARGET Qul::Core) find_package(Qul) endif() if(QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^ek-ra6m3g") qul_add_target(swipe_game Globals.cpp HighscoreModel.cpp QML_PROJECT mcu_swipe_game_ek-ra6m3g.qmlproject GENERATE_ENTRYPOINT ) else() qul_add_target(swipe_game Globals.cpp HighscoreModel.cpp QML_PROJECT mcu_swipe_game.qmlproject GENERATE_ENTRYPOINT ) if (QUL_OS STREQUAL "FreeRTOS" AND NOT QUL_PLATFORM MATCHES "^stm32f769i") math(EXPR cache_size_in_bytes "1024 * 1024") if (QUL_PLATFORM STREQUAL "mimxrt1170-evk-freertos") # NXP 1170 needs additional 2*3.6MB for the screen layer math(EXPR heap_size "8 * 1024 * 1024 + ${cache_size_in_bytes}") else() math(EXPR heap_size "1024 * 1024 + ${cache_size_in_bytes}") endif() add_compile_definitions(configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE=${heap_size}) endif() endif() app_target_setup_os(swipe_game)