File system integration
Implementing a file system integration for Qt Quick Ultralite
To load resources from a file system, an implementation must be registered with the application. It has to implement the Qul::PlatformInterface::Filesystem and Qul::PlatformInterface::File classes. An example implementation for the FatFS file system can be found in examples/fileloading/fatfs/fatfsfilesystem.h
The following code shows example implementations for these classes:
class MyFile : public Qul::PlatformInterface::File { public: MyFile(fileHandle) {...} uint64_t size(); int read(unsigned char *outputBuffer, uint64_t startOffset, unsigned int size); int close(); }
uint64_t MyFile::size() { return file_size; }
int MyFile::read(unsigned char *outputBuffer, uint64_t startOffset, unsigned int readSize) { int bytesRead; if (file_seek(startOffset) != OK) return -1; if (file_read(outputBuffer, readSize, &bytesRead) != OK) return -1; return bytesRead; }
int MyFile::close() { return file_close(); }
To integrate the file with the application API, it has to be wrapped in a file system.
class MyFilesystem : public Qul::PlatformInterface::Filesystem { public: Qul::PlatformInterface::File *open(const char *fileName, Qul::PlatformInterface::File::Mode) { if (file_open(fileName, mode) != OK) return NULL; return Qul::PlatformInterface::qul_new<MyFile>(handle); } };
To make the implemented file system known to Qt Quick Ultralite, it has to be registered with the application.
static MyFilesystem filesystem; Qul::Application::addFilesystem(&filesystem);
Qt Quick Ultralite will iterate all registered file systems until the first returns a file instance.
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