Qt Quick Ultralite painteditem Example
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuickUltralite.Extras 2.0 import QtQuickUltralite.Layers 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 ApplicationScreens { id: root property bool automaticAnimation: false Screen { ItemLayer { anchors.fill: parent // Make sure not to use OTF layers on TRAVEO™ T2G, // as they don't have a framebuffer renderingHints: ItemLayer.NoRenderingHint Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "gray" property real scale: 1 Rectangle { id: app anchors.centerIn: parent color: "white" width: 200 height: 200 readonly property real radianRatio: 0.0174532925 readonly property real accGravity: 9.80665 readonly property int dampingFactor: 1 property real angularVelocity: Math.sqrt(accGravity / delegate.pivotLength) property real time: 0.0; //PaintedItem Object PaintedItem { id: oscillator anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top anchors.fill: parent delegate_: OscillatorPaintedItem { id: delegate angle: 0.0 initialAngle: 50 pivotLength: 50 onAngleChanged: { delegate.update() } } } /*Display the Instantaneous angle and damping Factor*/ Text { anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 8 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 8 text: "Angle: " + delegate.initialAngle + "\ndamping: " + app.dampingFactor font.pixelSize: 13 } Button { id: replay //For platforms not supporting touch input, hide Replay button. visible: !root.automaticAnimation anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.bottom: parent.verticalCenter height: 40 width: 70 font.pixelSize: 13 text: "Replay" background: Rectangle { color: replay.down ? "#A39D9C" : "#B8B3B2" radius: 8 } onClicked: { /*Setting the initialAngle property to maximum value disturbs the equilibrium and triggers the animation again.*/ delegate.initialAngle = 50 } } //For platforms not supporting touch input, below timer triggers animation after event trigger. Timer { running: root.automaticAnimation repeat: true interval: 8000 onTriggered: delegate.initialAngle = 50 } } Timer { interval: 100; running: true; repeat: true onTriggered: { //Calculate instantaneous angular position of the blob delegate.angle = 90.0 - delegate.initialAngle * Math.cos(app.angularVelocity * app.time) //decrement the amplitude of oscillations if(delegate.initialAngle != 0) { delegate.initialAngle -= app.dampingFactor } //Time factor is increased app.time += 1.0 } } } } } }