class QGeoServiceProviderFactory

The QGeoServiceProviderFactory class is a factory class used as the plugin interface for services related to geographical information. More


Virtual methods


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Detailed Description


There are no source or binary compatibility guarantees for the backend classes. The API is only guaranteed to work with the Qt version it was developed against. API changes will however only be made in minor releases. (6.6, 6.7, and so on.)

Implementers must provide a unique combination of providerName() and providerVersion() per plugin.

The other functions should be overridden if the plugin supports the associated set of functionality.

createGeocodingManagerEngine(parameters, error, errorString)
  • parameters – Dictionary with keys of type .QString and values of type QVariant.

  • errorError

  • errorString – str

Return type:


Returns a new QGeoCodingManagerEngine instance, initialized with parameters, which implements the location geocoding functionality.

If error is not None it should be set to NoError on success or an appropriate Error on failure.

If errorString is not None it should be set to a string describing any error which occurred.

The default implementation returns None, which causes a NotSupportedError in QGeoServiceProvider .

createPlaceManagerEngine(parameters, error, errorString)
  • parameters – Dictionary with keys of type .QString and values of type QVariant.

  • errorError

  • errorString – str

Return type:


Returns a new QPlaceManagerEngine instance, initialized with parameters, which implements the place searching functionality.

If error is not None it should be set to NoError on success or an appropriate Error on failure.

If errorString is not None it should be set to a string describing any error which occurred.

The default implementation returns None, which causes a NotSupportedError in QGeoServiceProvider .

createRoutingManagerEngine(parameters, error, errorString)
  • parameters – Dictionary with keys of type .QString and values of type QVariant.

  • errorError

  • errorString – str

Return type:


Returns a new QGeoRoutingManagerEngine instance, initialized with parameters, which implements routing functionality.

If error is not None it should be set to NoError on success or an appropriate Error on failure.

If errorString is not None it should be set to a string describing any error which occurred.

The default implementation returns None, which causes a NotSupportedError in QGeoServiceProvider .



Notify the plugin when the qml engine is ready. In this moment the plugins can use it to register Image Providers.

The default implementation does nothing.