class QVideoFrameInput

The QVideoFrameInput class is used for providing custom video frames to QMediaRecorder or a video output through QMediaCaptureSession . More

Inheritance diagram of PySide6.QtMultimedia.QVideoFrameInput

Added in version 6.8.





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Detailed Description



Constructs a new QVideoFrameInput object with parent.

__init__(format[, parent=None])

Constructs a new QVideoFrameInput object with video frame format and parent.

The specified format will work as a hint for the initialization of the matching video encoder upon invoking record() . If the format is not specified or not valid, the video encoder will be initialized upon sending the first frame. Sending of video frames with another pixel format and size after initialization of the matching video encoder might cause a performance penalty during recording.

We recommend specifying the format if you know in advance what kind of frames you’re going to send.

Return type:


Returns the capture session this video frame input is connected to, or a nullptr if the video frame input is not connected to a capture session.

Use setVideoFrameInput() to connect the video frame input to a session.

Return type:


Returns the video frame format that was specified upon construction of the video frame input.


Signals that a new frame can be sent to the video frame input. After receiving the signal, if you have frames to be sent, invoke sendVideoFrame once or in a loop until it returns false.

See also




Return type:


Sends QVideoFrame to QMediaRecorder or a video output through QMediaCaptureSession .

Returns true if the specified frame has been sent successfully to the destination. Returns false, if the frame hasn’t been sent, which can happen if the instance is not assigned to QMediaCaptureSession , the session doesn’t have video outputs or a media recorder, the media recorder is not started or its queue is full. The signal readyToSendVideoFrame will be sent as soon as the destination is able to handle a new frame.

Sending of an empty video frame is treated by QMediaRecorder as an end of the input stream. QMediaRecorder stops the recording automatically if autoStop is true and all the inputs have reported the end of the stream.