Qt Graphs Configure Options

This topic lists the configuration options that you can use to configure the Qt Graphs module build.

Main Features

If you disable both of these main features, the module will not be built at all.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d enables building the 2D graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_2d=OFF to CMake.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_3d enables building the 3D graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_3d=OFF to CMake.

Qt Graphs for 2D Features

If you disable all of these features, the Qt Graphs for 2D module will not be usable for anything. These options are not in effect if QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d is disabled.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d_area enables building the area graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_2d_area=OFF to CMake.

    Enabling area graph will also enable LineSeries support, as that is the minimum requirement for creating area graphs. If SplineSeries is required for the upperSeries or lowerSeries, the QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d_spline option should also be enabled.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d_bar enables building the bar graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_2d_bar=OFF to CMake.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d_donut_pie enables building the donut and pie graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_2d_donut_pie=OFF to CMake.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d_line enables building the line graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_2d_line=OFF to CMake.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d_scatter enables building the scatter graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_2d_scatter=OFF to CMake.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_2d_spline enables building the spline graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_2d_spline=OFF to CMake.

Qt Graphs for 3D Features

If you disable all of these features, the Qt Graphs for 3D module will not be usable for anything. These options are not in effect if QT_FEATURE_graphs_3d is disabled.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_3d_bars3d enables building the Bars3D graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_3d_bars3d=OFF to CMake.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_3d_scatter3d enables building the Scatter3D graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_3d_scatter3d=OFF to CMake.

  • QT_FEATURE_graphs_3d_surface3d enables building the Surface3D graph support into the Qt Graphs module. It is ON by default.

    To disable, pass -DFEATURE_graphs_3d_surface3d=OFF to CMake.