Qt Cluster: Rendering and Recovery from Main UI Failure

// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

// This file is part of the Qt Safe Renderer module

import QtQuick

import "../functions.js" as Functions
import ClusterDemo

Item {
    property alias speedValue: speedgauge.speedValue
    property alias maxValue: speedgauge.maxValue
    property real outerRadius: Math.min(width, height) * 0.5

    Image {
        id: speedBg
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        source: "image://etc/Gauge_Speed.png"

    ShaderEffect {
        id: speedgauge
        anchors.fill: speedBg

        property real outerRadius: Math.min(width, height) * 0.5
        property int animationDurationSpeed: 500

        property real speedValue: 0
        property int value: startupAnimationStopped ? ValueSource.kph : speedValue
        property int minValue: 0
        property int maxValue: 240
        property int minAngle: 0
        property int maxAngle: 270
        property real valueInDegrees: ((maxAngle - minAngle)
                                       / (maxValue - minValue)) * (value - minValue)

        property double fCRadSpeed: Functions.degToRad(frontCutSpeed - 180.)
        property double bCRadSpeed: Functions.degToRad(backCutSpeed - 180.)

        //Fuel gauge
        property real valueFuel: ValueSource.fuelLevel
        property int minAngleFuel: 324
        property int maxAngleFuel: 288
        property int maxValueFuel: 100
        property int animationDurationFuel: 100
        property color shaderColorFuel: "#464749"
        property real valueInDegreesFuel: ((maxAngleFuel - minAngleFuel)
                                           / (maxValueFuel - minValue)) * (valueFuel - minValue)
        property double _acceleratingFuel: (backCutFuel < frontCutFuel) ? 1. : 0.
        property double frontCutFuel: minAngleFuel + valueInDegreesFuel
        property double backCutFuel: minAngleFuel

        property double fCRadFuel: Functions.degToRad(frontCutFuel - 180.)
        property double bCRadFuel: Functions.degToRad(backCutFuel - 180.)

        //Shader properties
        property double frontCutSpeed: minAngle + valueInDegrees// new speed
        property double backCutSpeed: minAngle //starting point

        property double _acceleratingSpeed: (backCutSpeed < frontCutSpeed) ? 1. : 0.
        property variant source: speedBg
        property color shaderColorSpeed: "#E31E24"

        Behavior on frontCutSpeed {
            enabled: startupAnimationStopped
            PropertyAnimation { duration: speedgauge.animationDurationSpeed }

        Behavior on frontCutFuel {
            enabled: startupAnimationStopped
            PropertyAnimation { duration: speedgauge.animationDurationFuel }

        fragmentShader: "
                        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
                        uniform lowp sampler2D source;
                        uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;
                        lowp vec4 c = vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);

                        uniform lowp vec4 shaderColorSpeed;
                        uniform lowp float frontCutSpeed;
                        uniform lowp float backCutSpeed;
                        uniform lowp float _acceleratingSpeed;

                        uniform highp float fCRadSpeed;
                        uniform highp float bCRadSpeed;

                        uniform lowp vec4 shaderColorFuel;
                        uniform lowp float frontCutFuel;
                        uniform lowp float backCutFuel;
                        uniform lowp float _acceleratingFuel;

                        uniform highp float fCRadFuel;
                        uniform highp float bCRadFuel;

                        void main() {
                            highp vec2 uv = vec2(.5 - qt_TexCoord0.y, .5 - qt_TexCoord0.x);

                            lowp float L = length(uv);
                            lowp float f = 1.;

                            f = smoothstep(L - .01, L, .4615);
                            f -= smoothstep(L,L + 0.01, .444);

                            lowp float angle = -atan(uv.y,uv.x);

                            lowp float fspeed = f * mix((1. - step(bCRadSpeed, angle)) * step(fCRadSpeed, angle),
                                     (1. - step(fCRadSpeed, angle)) * step(bCRadSpeed, angle),

                            if (fspeed > .0) {
                              gl_FragColor = mix(c,shaderColorSpeed,fspeed);

                            lowp float ffuel = f * mix((1. - step(bCRadFuel, angle)) * step(fCRadFuel, angle),
                                     (1. - step(fCRadFuel, angle)) * step(bCRadFuel, angle),

                            if (ffuel > .0) {
                              gl_FragColor = mix(c, shaderColorFuel, ffuel);

                            gl_FragColor = c;

    Image {
        id: tyreLight
        anchors.right: parkingLight.left
        anchors.bottom: parkingLight.bottom
        anchors.bottomMargin: 18
        source: ValueSource.flatTire ? "image://etc/Icon_TyreMalfunction_ON.png"
                                     : "image://etc/Icon_TyreMalfunction_OFF.png"

    Image {
        id: parkingLight
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.top: kmText.bottom
        anchors.topMargin: 20

        source: ValueSource.parkingBrake ? "image://etc/Icon_ParkingBrake_ON.png"
                                         : "image://etc/Icon_ParkingBrake_OFF.png"

    Image {
        id: fuelLight
        anchors.left: parkingLight.right
        anchors.bottom: parkingLight.bottom
        anchors.bottomMargin: 18
        source: (ValueSource.fuelLevel <= 15) ? "image://etc/Icon_Fuel_ON.png"
                                              : "image://etc/Icon_Fuel_OFF.png"