QSafeFile Class

class SafeRenderer::QSafeFile

The QSafeFile class reads the data from the file. More...

Header: #include <QSafeFile>
Since: QtSafeRenderer 1.0

Public Types

enum OpenMode { ReadOnly, ReadAndWrite }

Public Functions

QSafeFile(const SafeRenderer::qchar *const filenameArg, const SafeRenderer::QSafeFile::OpenMode modeArg = ReadOnly)
SafeRenderer::quint32 available()
void readData(SafeRenderer::quchar *const bufferArg, const SafeRenderer::quint32 bytes, const off_t offset = 0) const
void writeData(const SafeRenderer::quchar *const bufferArg, const SafeRenderer::quint32 size) const

Detailed Description

The QSafeFile uses the Posix API for file access.

Member Type Documentation

enum QSafeFile::OpenMode

This enum type is used to specify the open mode of a QSafeFile.

SafeRenderer::QSafeFile::ReadOnly0The file is opened in read-only mode.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFile::ReadAndWrite1The file is opened in read-write mode.

Member Function Documentation

QSafeFile::QSafeFile(const SafeRenderer::qchar *const filenameArg, const SafeRenderer::QSafeFile::OpenMode modeArg = ReadOnly)

Constructs the safe file object.

Opens the file named filenameArg with the open mode specified by modeArg.

modeArg is an optional parameter, with the default value being QSafeFile::OpenMode::ReadOnly. For possible open modes see QSafeFile::OpenMode.

In case of a failure, the following exception will be thrown:

SafeRenderer::QSafeFileExceptionSafeRenderer::QSafeFileException::FileException::FailureToOpenThe file could not be opened for reading.


Destructs a safe file object.

Closes the file if the file is open.

SafeRenderer::quint32 QSafeFile::available()

Returns the amount of bytes is available in the file.

In case of a failure, the following exception will be thrown:

SafeRenderer::QSafeFileExceptionSafeRenderer::QSafeFileException::FileException::SeekErrorSeek has failed on the opened file. For example, a filesystem error or file being a pipe may have caused the error.

Note: close() will be called on the m_fileDescriptor if exception is thrown.

void QSafeFile::readData(SafeRenderer::quchar *const bufferArg, const SafeRenderer::quint32 bytes, const off_t offset = 0) const

Reads bytes amount of data from the opened file to the bufferArg.

The optional offset parameter specifies the starting point for file reading in bytes from the start of the file. Provide a non-negative integer; if offset exceeds file size, it triggers SafeRenderer::QSafeFile::OutOfBoundsError. If offset is 0 (default) reading starts from the file's beginning.

In case of a failure, the following exception will be thrown:

SafeRenderer::QSafeFileExceptionSafeRenderer::QSafeFileException::FileException::ReadErrorThe requested number of bytes could not be read from the opened file or the provided buffer is a NULL pointer.

void QSafeFile::writeData(const SafeRenderer::quchar *const bufferArg, const SafeRenderer::quint32 size) const

writeData Writes size amount of data from the bufferArg to the opened file.

bufferArg Pointer to the data to be written. size The number of bytes to write.

In case of a failure, the following exception will be thrown:

SafeRenderer::QSafeFileExceptionSafeRenderer::QSafeFileException::FileException::FailureToOpenThe file was not properly opened.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFileExceptionSafeRenderer::QSafeFileException::FileException::WriteErrorAn error occurred during the write operation.

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