QSafeFontCache Class

class SafeRenderer::QSafeFontCache

QSafeFontCache class caches a font. More...

Header: #include <QSafeFontCache>
Since: QtSafeRenderer 1.1

Public Functions

const SafeRenderer::QSafeFont *loadFont(const SafeRenderer::qchar *const filenameArg, const SafeRenderer::quint32 crcArg)

Detailed Description

The QSafeFontCache class caches a font.

Member Function Documentation

const SafeRenderer::QSafeFont *QSafeFontCache::loadFont(const SafeRenderer::qchar *const filenameArg, const SafeRenderer::quint32 crcArg)

Loads and returns a font from filenameArg. The checksum of the file content must match with crcArg.

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