QSafeFontException Class

class SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException

An instance of QSafeFontException is thrown in case of an exception. More...

Header: #include <QSafeFontException>
Since: QtSafeRenderer 2.1
Inherits: SafeRenderer::QSafeException

Public Types

enum SafeFontException { UnsupportedCmapFormat, InvalidFontHeader, InvalidGlyphMap, GlyphNotFound, InvalidCmapTable, …, MaxNumOfFontsExceed }

Detailed Description

Instance of this class is thrown when an exception occurs related to safe font and font readers.

Member Type Documentation

enum QSafeFontException::SafeFontException

This enum describes the id of a thrown safe font exception.

SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::UnsupportedCmapFormat0Cmap format in the font file is not supported.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::InvalidFontHeader1Header in font file is invalid.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::InvalidGlyphMap2Glyph map in the font file is invalid.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::GlyphNotFound3Glyph not found for the requested character.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::InvalidCmapTable4Cmap table in the font file is invalid.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::GlyphMapNotFound5Glyph map is missing in the font file.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::DataSizeMismatch6Data index is out of boundary.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::OutOfCache8Font file reader is out of cache.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::DataCorrupted9The data read is corrupted.
SafeRenderer::QSafeFontException::MaxNumOfFontsExceed7Font cache is full.

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