QIfMediaDevice Class

QIfMediaDevice is the base class for all media devices. More...

Header: #include <QIfMediaDevice>
qmake: QT += ifmedia
Instantiated By: MediaDevice
Inherits: QIfServiceObject
Inherited By:



  • name : const QString
  • type : const QString

Public Functions

virtual QString name() const = 0
virtual QString type() const = 0


void nameChanged(QString name)

Detailed Description

A Media Device is an externally or internally connected device on which media is stored. It can be a physical medium like a USB thumbdrive or a CD/DVD, but it could also be a DLNA Media Server running on a different machine e.g. on the rear seat entertainment system.

Media Devices can be retrieved by using the QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel, which asks the backend which devices it knows of that are currently connected to the Interface Framework system.

Supported Media Devices

The following media devices are supported by the QIfMedia module:


Represents a USB device connected to the system

Property Documentation

[read-only] name : const QString

The name of the media device. E.g. the CD-name or the name of the thumbdrive.

Access functions:

virtual QString name() const = 0

Notifier signal:

void nameChanged(QString name)

[read-only] type : const QString

The type of the media device. E.g. "usb", "CD". See SupportedMediaDevices for the supported Devices.

Access functions:

virtual QString type() const = 0

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