QtMobility Reference Documentation

main.qml Example File

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 ** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
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 import QtQuick 1.0

 Rectangle {
     id: root
     width: 640
     height: 360
     color: "black"

     property string source1
     property string source2
     property color bgColor: "#002244"
     property real volume: 0.25
     property bool perfMonitorsLogging: false
     property bool perfMonitorsVisible: false

     QtObject {
         id: d
         property int itemHeight: 40
         property int buttonHeight: 0.8 * itemHeight
         property int margins: 10

     // Create ScreenSaver element via Loader, so this app will still run if the
     // SystemInfo module is not available
     Loader {
         source: "DisableScreenSaver.qml"

     Loader {
         id: performanceLoader

         Connections {
             target: inner
                 if (performanceLoader.item)
                     performanceLoader.item.enabled = !inner.visible
             ignoreUnknownSignals: true

         function init() {
             console.log("[qmlvideo] performanceLoader.init logging " + root.perfMonitorsLogging + " visible " + root.perfMonitorsVisible)
             var enabled = root.perfMonitorsLogging || root.perfMonitorsVisible
             source = enabled ? "../performancemonitor/PerformanceItem.qml" : ""

         onLoaded: {
             item.parent = root
             item.anchors.fill = root
             item.logging = root.perfMonitorsLogging
             item.displayed = root.perfMonitorsVisible
             item.enabled = false

     Rectangle {
         id: inner
         anchors.fill: parent
         color: root.bgColor

         Button {
             id: openFile1Button
             anchors {
                 top: parent.top
                 left: parent.left
                 right: exitButton.left
                 margins: d.margins
             height: d.buttonHeight
             text: (root.source1 == "") ? "Select file 1" : root.source1
             onClicked: fileBrowser1.show()

         Button {
             id: openFile2Button
             anchors {
                 top: openFile1Button.bottom
                 left: parent.left
                 right: exitButton.left
                 margins: d.margins
             height: d.buttonHeight
             text: (root.source2 == "") ? "Select file 2" : root.source2
             onClicked: fileBrowser2.show()

         Button {
             id: exitButton
             anchors {
                 top: parent.top
                 right: parent.right
                 margins: d.margins
             width: 50
             height: d.buttonHeight
             text: "Exit"
             onClicked: Qt.quit()

         SceneSelectionPanel {
             id: sceneSelectionPanel
             itemHeight: d.itemHeight
             color: "#004444"
             anchors {
                 top: openFile2Button.bottom
                 left: parent.left
                 right: parent.right
                 bottom: parent.bottom
                 margins: d.margins
             radius: 10
             onSceneSourceChanged: {
                 console.log("[qmlvideo] main.onSceneSourceChanged source " + sceneSource)
                 sceneLoader.source = sceneSource
                 var scene = null
                 var innerVisible = true
                 if (sceneSource == "") {
                     if (performanceLoader.item)
                         performanceLoader.item.videoActive = false
                 } else {
                     scene = sceneLoader.item
                     if (scene) {
                         if (scene.contentType === "video" && source1 === "") {
                             errorDialog.show("You must first select a video file")
                             sceneSource = ""
                         } else {
                             scene.parent = root
                             scene.color = root.bgColor
                             scene.buttonHeight = d.buttonHeight
                             scene.source1 = source1
                             scene.source2 = source2
                             scene.volume = volume
                             scene.anchors.fill = root
                             innerVisible = false
                 videoFramePaintedConnection.target = scene
                 inner.visible = innerVisible

     Loader {
         id: sceneLoader

     Connections {
         id: videoFramePaintedConnection
         onVideoFramePainted: {
             if (performanceLoader.item)
         ignoreUnknownSignals: true

     FileBrowser {
         id: fileBrowser1
         anchors.fill: root
         onFolderChanged: fileBrowser2.folder = folder
         Component.onCompleted: fileSelected.connect(root.openFile1)

     FileBrowser {
         id: fileBrowser2
         anchors.fill: root
         onFolderChanged: fileBrowser1.folder = folder
         Component.onCompleted: fileSelected.connect(root.openFile2)

     function openFile1(path) {
         root.source1 = path

     function openFile2(path) {
         root.source2 = path

     ErrorDialog {
         id: errorDialog
         anchors.fill: parent
         enabled: false

     // Called from main() once root properties have been set
     function init() {
         fileBrowser1.folder = videoPath
         fileBrowser2.folder = videoPath

     function qmlFramePainted() {
         if (performanceLoader.item)

     function closeScene() {
         console.log("[qmlvideo] main.closeScene")
         sceneSelectionPanel.sceneSource = ""

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