QtMobility Reference Documentation

Content.qml Example File

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 ** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
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 import QtQuick 1.0
 import Qt.labs.shaders 1.0

 Rectangle {
     id: root
     color: "black"
     property alias effect: effectLoader.item
     property alias gripSize: divider.gripSize
     property string effectSource
     property real volume: 0.5

     signal videoFramePainted

     Divider {
         id: divider
         visible: false
         z: 1.0
         onValueChanged: updateDivider()

     ShaderEffectSource {
         id: theSource
         smooth: true
         hideSource: true

     Loader {
         id: contentLoader

     Loader {
         id: effectLoader
         source: effectSource

     Connections {
         id: videoFramePaintedConnection
         onFramePainted: {
             if (performanceLoader.item)
         ignoreUnknownSignals: true

     onWidthChanged: {
         if (effectLoader.item)
         effectLoader.item.targetWidth = root.width

     onHeightChanged: {
         if (effectLoader.item)
         effectLoader.item.targetHeight = root.height

     onEffectSourceChanged: {
         console.log("[qmlvideofx] Content.onEffectSourceChanged " + effectSource)
         effectLoader.source = effectSource
         effectLoader.item.parent = root
         effectLoader.item.targetWidth = root.width
         effectLoader.item.targetHeight = root.height
         effectLoader.item.source = theSource
         divider.visible = effectLoader.item.divider

     function init() {
         console.log("[qmlvideofx] Content.init")
         root.effectSource = "EffectPassThrough.qml"

     function updateDivider() {
         if (effectLoader.item && effectLoader.item.divider)
             effectLoader.item.dividerValue = divider.value

     function updateSource() {
         console.log("[qmlvideofx] Content.updateSource")
         if (contentLoader.item) {
             contentLoader.item.parent = root
             contentLoader.item.anchors.fill = root
             theSource.sourceItem = contentLoader.item
             if (effectLoader.item)
                 effectLoader.item.anchors.fill = contentLoader.item

     function openImage(path) {
         console.log("[qmlvideofx] Content.openImage \"" + path + "\"")
         contentLoader.source = "ContentImage.qml"
         videoFramePaintedConnection.target = null
         contentLoader.item.source = path

     function openVideo(path) {
         console.log("[qmlvideofx] Content.openVideo \"" + path + "\"")
         contentLoader.source = "ContentVideo.qml"
         videoFramePaintedConnection.target = contentLoader.item
         contentLoader.item.source = path
         contentLoader.item.volume = volume

     function openCamera() {
         console.log("[qmlvideofx] Content.openCamera")
         contentLoader.source = "ContentCamera.qml"
         videoFramePaintedConnection.target = contentLoader.item

     function stop() {
         console.log("[qmlvideofx] Content.stop")
         if (contentLoader.source == "ContentVideo.qml")
         theSource.sourceItem = null

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